Got to my bike (locked in a courtyard) and found my ignition superglued! I need to get the bike moved asap to a secure garage by van (or if it’s very local, by pushing it). Am on hold with my breakdown cover to see if they can help me, but don’t hold my breath.

How much am I looking at getting a new barrel, bearing in mind it’s got the Piaggio immobiliser on it?

Holy Sh1t Paivi ! That’s a bummer for sure.

Got no idea how to help, but I’m sure someone can.

Perhaps the local dealer can come out to it tomorrow? Will insurance cover it?

Cezar stepped in. My breakdown people will come and pick it up and take it to his garage, as I cannot leave it overnight as it wouldn’t be here when I got back from work.

Huge bummer, as it’s by far the best way of getting to work, and I’ve got other things to do as well, for which I rely on my bike.

Also, the ignition barrel is likely to cost me loads, as it comes with the immobiliser, so it will have to be an insurance job, which will delay the bloody thing with a week. And, of course, as it’s Sunday, I can’t organise anything!

There are chemicals that break down glue. try that before the expensive replacement.

I can’t think to hand the exact name, but I have heard of such a product.

What a ****ers eh? Don’t worry girl you are not alone! Glad you brakedown company will take the bike for you otherwise my friend would have done. Gof, do you know the name of those chemicals? I have acetone in my garage and its a powerful thing, I will try that!

OK. SOS were here and can’t move the bike as they were given the wrong model. Mine needs two burly blokes, not just the one, as the steering’s locked and it weighs 150kg.

So, am desperately trying to find a van who can do it now so Cezar won’t have to wait that long for delivery. The SOS guy told me to move the bike tonight as did the police, so it really has to go. The thieving *******s have also removed the CCTV camera overnight, clearly in preparation for the theft.

That’ll be the best thing to do. Also I wouldn’t do it through your insurance just pay out of your pocket, one it gets done quicker and two you don’t have to damage you NCB.

Hope it all get sorted quick, best of luck.


Could be readily available in B&Q etc.

But not at this time…

Otherwise a non-acetone nail varnish remover would be my guess. Got any Paivi? Get a cotton bud or similar and have a go. Careful on the plastics tho, so don’t pour it on. Mebbe a pen knife to chip away at it - it could be quite brittle in the cold.

If I had a van or trailer I’d come and help but got nowt like that…

Go chat up a fireman > they have the antidote solvent as people are always getting stuck to amusing **** like bogseats … and they get called to free them

Scum everywhere you go. Sorry to hear that. Long shot, but might this work? http://www.diynot.com/shop/Loctite_Super_Glue_Remover_5g/18595

Or, get in touch with Loctite in the morning and ask them what they’d recommend to remove their product.

Good luck though.

Hehe you been nickin my idea??


Ghostie to the rescue,

and well I’ll be damned, he’s on the back wheel !!

Paivi, terrible news! Bloody theives are going mad in London! All the best in getting it all sorted asap. You might want to keep the bike away from your place for a while, until they find someone elses bike to steal (horrible thought, I know).

D’oh! Sorry Andrew, that’ll teach me to read the posts prop’ly

Well, just got back from Cezar’s. Green Flag told me twice on the phone that I’m covered for the removal of the bike, after I told them about the superglue in the ignition. Then, two hours later, SOS turn up, after having been told my bike is a ‘Scott’ which some of you may know is a British company who made bikes from 1929 to 1963. So, the guy expects to find a classic motorbike which he can move on his own, even with the steering locked. Instead, he finds a 150kg scooter which needs either a small trolley under the front wheel or another burly bloke! So, no go with him. He then calls his people, who call Green Flag to have a go at them, to which Green Flag say they don’t actually have to do anything, as I’m not covered for vandalism after all! How the hell did they think the superglue got into my ignition if not by vandalism?

So, frantic phonecalls, and of course, by this time everything had closed, and eventually Green Flag sent me another recovery van who took the bike with the trolley to Cezar’s.

Tomorrow morning I need to make sure it’s not one of those ECU ignitions, as if it is, the bike’s a write off. It’s not just superglue in the ignition, they’ve actually rammed a screw or something else metallic into the ignition, possibly trying to force it, and when they couldn’t, decided to superglue to make sure I wouldn’t be able to move it either. No idea how much a new unit like that would cost for my bike (for a CBR600 it’s £2,000), but if it were material, the insurance company might decide to write off the bike.

Once I know what’s going on, I can start ringing the garages to see who can do it and what the charge will be, so I can decide if to go through the insurance. My excess is £150, and as the recovery was £70 and the leg cover is £100 (not sure if it’s covered anyway), I may have to go through them to save any money. My NCB’s fcuked anyway, as I’ve had to make two big vandalism claims this year already.

So, hoping to get my bike fixed in the next few days.

This whole thing happened in the safety and security of my locked courtyard! It’s now been discovered that loads of people who shouldn’t have keys to the courtyard actually do have them, including the immediate suspects.

This is obviously a planned operation, as they also removed the CCTV camera yesterday. Just annoyed the police couldn’t be bothered to even return my call, even when I told them all this. All they’d have to do was to rig up a camera to catch whoever the thief was entering into the enclosed area where my bike was parked, and they would have got their man. But, I suppose they’re too busy catching shoplifters.

Shock, horror, must get up at crack of dawn to get to work by 8am, as by tube & foot, it takes me best part of an hour.

Nice to hear you got home safe and not scared to death Paivi! lol

Oh, you obviously haven’t seen the brown stain on your pillion seat then?

Paivi i think you may have got the wrong thing about the ignitions. Even if they are the ones which have immobilisers, the imobiliser is usaly built into the ECU somewhere else on the bike and a pickup coil like on the Honda HISS system is just attached to the top of the ignition barrel to pick up the signal from the chip in the key and send it to the ECU.
They say that if you lost the keys for the bike then you would need the ECU changed as you dont have a working key to reprogram the ECU, but lots of it is hype as the ECU can be reprogramed with at least one working key that has a chip in it or by sending the ECU back to the manufacturers with proof of ID. And some garages claim that they can do other things to sort it out.
Eg. If they change your ignition barrel, you could use a new key cut plus just have the old key next to it and it would start.
There is usaly a way to sort it out. Unless bike manufs have gone mental. Even on cars there is always a way to sort it out.

TSM’s right, by no means will the bike be a write-off Paivi, it’s just a sensor in the ignition barrel, so when the barrel is replaced, it’ll work straight off with the bike/keys and not require any faffing around. This happens all the time, even an Italian company wouldn’t be so stupid as to make it so easy to write-off a bike I.E. if I lose a key for my GSXR, it’s about £50 for a new one, as it has the same system, and if I lose both keys, then the dealer can reprogram the bike to work with a new set of keys.

Don’t expect anything from the Police, it’s beyond the scope of what they can deal with, they’re too busy, and it’s not a high priority crime, unfortunately. I hope it all gets sorted for you quickly, Paivi! Pain in the butt, huh? Good job you’ve got LB at hand to help you, eh??

Hope things get sorted but also try Rider Support Services. You may have to join (online) but I think they have helped in all sorts of situations like this.Phone number 02082464900. It’s worth joining anyway.I think they are good in all areas of motorcycling. (Jay, could they help you out?)

Oh well Monday morning…