Upcoming Feature List

Hey guys, big update today. Intercom has had a lot of attention and now has the following improvements:
  • Unread message notifications (they show in the top navigation bar). They come in, in real-time and play a sound when you get a new message.
  • Ability to filter your chats to show all or just ones with unread messages in
  • Ability to mark every message across all chats as read
  • A better message-writing experience on mobile and desktop
  • Smooth scrolling for chats and messages on mobile
Notifications will get more attention, i.e. a notification menu to show when new replies are made, when you're mentioned, etc. Watch this space. Jay

You lucky boy Wise.

Possibly… We certainly need to show more about the members.

I got a restraining order for doing that

What, beating one out in the morning?

Just a quick thought. Would it be possible to mark your posts as offensive and there to be a function for users not to see offensive posts? This may prevent some upset in the community

For anyone feeling like they’ve missed out, you can buy the goody bags:


Just a quick thought. Would it be possible to mark your posts as offensive and there to be a function for users not to see offensive posts? This may prevent some upset in the community Changyammi
that's me fukced

I meant showing more of the member

I thought we already had that in place?
It’s called ‘fuck off’ function. :smiley:


Jay our intercom has a 4 next to it but we have no unread messages

It even says ‘Superb you’ve read them all’ or something similar but the 4 in a dark circle won’t go away.

Read them harder
. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the memories.

We’ll just read yours over and over again Alba xxxx

Yeah I’ve noticed a problem. I’m looking into it, thanks guys.

Smileys :stuck_out_tongue:

is it me or can you not  now view the forum without signing in ?

We’ve had that a few days now, on a non-HQ computer

Another big update to Intercom; received messages now show immediately when you’ve got Intercom open. No need to refresh the page to see new messages. This means we’ve now got a real-time chat system :slight_smile:

Also, unread message count in the top bar shows how many unread conversations you have, not how many unread messages you have. This seems to make more sense.

Well done - the annoying 4 has gone!!