Trade Expo Show

Ok folks I have got a spare ticket sheet (8 tickets) for the trade show from Sunday 15th Jan to 17th Jan this is a trade only show so ya will get to see whats on offer for the coming year. The show is at Stoneleigh Park just outside of Coventry not hard to get to deff can do it on the bike Pm me or give us a bell if ya want the ticket sheet

so much for Trade Only!!!

will be there to with the staff as for normal peeps is a tad dull for them as no new bikes really and you can’t buy stuff like you can at NEC etc

Sorry kiddywinks tickets all gone and yes they did go to the trade and the only true trade only show that I knew of was the trade halls at the Munich show where you had to prove you was trade to get tickets e.g. VAT reg, Company number, etc, etc, and everybody and I mean everybody still had to prove you was trade on entery to the halls

it’s only so we get a better visitor to totty ratio

see yas there lol

Now thats deff a very good reason never thought of that nice one m8