
OK so I’m getting a new bike in the next few months time and I’ve decided that I’m going to look at putting a tracker on it but which one as I have found a few different makes.

Has anyone got any experience/views/advice on any of the current trackers on the market.


TRACKER MONITOR.:slight_smile:

A new bike?

Dont bother, get gap insurance cover for as long as you can, then if it goes walkies you get back list price…


Cheers, I thought that would be the best one to look at.

Yeah it is a new bike but I don’t want to go down the route of claiming as I would have to wait a while to get a bike of the same spec back, a long while I would imagine.

But cheers anyway

Acumen do trackers that you can see/follow on the maps on t’internet.
If your planning on a tracker on a new bike, pay the life-time membership if you can afford it. Also get an alarm fitted by the same company as you should get a decent price for both.

You also want a good installer not some clown sub-contractor that sticks it under the seat for quick installation.

Well you know my story and how I got my bike back Mr. Bear.

There are cheaper options, but I’d only recommend you get what I believe is the best type of tracker…The Tracker Monitor.

Costs about the same as a decent alarm, but gives much much more peace of mind.

PM me for more info if you want.

Cheers Afro PM sent