Top Gun Maverick

I’ve just seen it and what a great movie. Ticked every box. Love the Ninja H2.


Great to hear. Online reviews are saying much the same.

Going to see it tomorrow.

Very much looking forward to it… :+1:

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This all sounds like a high way to a danger zone!


It’s worth paying the extra for the IMAX experience. It’ll take your breath away!

Good to see the old GPZ900R get a run out. It’ll be 40 next year, but still the best looking bike to come out of Japan.


40 next year, means it becomes ULEZ exempt

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Totally agree.

Great 2 hours entertainment, fantastic soundtrack (including the original) and loved the way they blended the original into this movie.

Some great subtle humour and the flying sequences were superb.

If you liked the original you will love this.

(Oh and wasn’t the guy who played “Rooster” perfectly cast as the son of “Goose”? The likeness was uncanny

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Couldn’t agree more TC. The screenplay was excellent. Apparently every plane stunt was the genuine F-18. It’s remarkable what these machines can do.

I think it’ll be the film of the year by every measure hands down.


Just go. It’s really good. Some great shots of Kawasakis too.

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Just been to see the film. Terrific! I watched Top Gun a few days ago, just as a reminder to get me into the full swing of things. Highly recommend.


Me too. Downloaded it to watch it again for this reason.

I hadn’t seen it since viewing it at the cinema when it was released. I wasn’t expecting much, I knew the story was cheesy and I expected the special effects to have aged badly.

How wrong I was. The photography, cinematography, sound-track, audio quality and action scenes done without CGI, are rich engaging and stunning.

One thing which struck us 30 minutes into it was we hadn’t once asked ‘what did he say’, nor had I put the subtitles on. Both of which are very common for us with current movies. Yes I know my hearing has been damaged from motorbikes, loud bars, and old age but this '80s movie was clear and articulate throughout. A joy to watch again.


Really annoys me with current tv and films… STOP MUMBLING!


I honestly thought it was just my ageing hearing but watching the 1986 Top Gun again was a revelation. Not just the music and soundtrack but the quality of the audio is lovely.

It’s obviously a choice sound engineers are making on modern productions. The know-how must be there.

the problem is that sound engineers are tuning the dialogue and other effects for high tech cinemas, and its lost at the home. its also sometime the choice of the director (anyone seen but not heard TeneT?)


It’s annoying, it didn’t used to be like this, so why do we have to put up with it?
/old man rant