Today !

Ive been sitting here twiddling thumbs and I cant keep still…knowing I got my bike back and its blast fit I just cant sleep…

I cant fooking wait !!!..

Tomorrows news !!

Mad biker tears up Regents Park Suburbs” !!!

Whats everyone doing ?…Sundays a good one for me but being match day Im not sure so any suggestions on the weekend ?

Vroom Vrooom !!!

hi barro how about a ride to southend(sunday) dont know what everybody else is doing

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

Ross, change ya sig hun, you been hanging round Ginger too long lol

sarf-end… i could be up for that… just gotta check weather i’m working on sunday…?

I am off to pick up jo’s bike from Darrrt ford and then who knows its actually good riding weather at mo imho.

enjoy…I’m in the “keeping hte missus happy” house this weekend cos I’m off to DONNY next one for a right lash up! Me and Velntino see…he asked me if I wanted to bring any friends along, but I didn’t think any of youse lot would really be into a weekend of watching The BEST bikes in the world" blasting round the English countryside!!!

Enjoy the End of the South!