To Everyone


Oh, we too love we! lol

We are going to miss you mate! I’m sure you will have a pc there and wherever you are just type and we will be there!

Oi…S**thead…Im deffo gonna miss ya when ya go forth…

Stay in touch mate…Health Wealth and Happiness to ya…dearly meant…deeply missed !!!

(Blue Pants !! on the river Thames…now thats respect).

Hey Oodie! All the best for Germany mate, great to have had you as part of the community, please keep in touch and let us know how you get on, with all things, not just two wheels

Good luck

aah babes…

Please dont be a stranger…


didnt know u were going! good luck man!

Dont know you, didnt know u were goin but good luck

Germany - there’s some nice bike over there you know!!! Best of luck - It was me who nodded cheerio on the Waterloo Roundabout on Wednesday - had I known you were leaving I’d have tracked you over Westminster Bridge too!

Best wishes for the future mate. How far will you be form the nuburg ring and how tempting would that be ???

i didnt mean this thread to be about farewells, i must have said bye like 4 times already…but definitely felt the love…

nurburgring is 300 miles away, and they have a year pass on the track, which will be my first purchase, oh and a track bike, and some boots.

i dont think riding on the circuit in a t-shirt would be a good idea. i found a new r1 SP for 7K in germany so that’ll be mine soon, ill post some pics as soon as i get it.

will be out 2moro, and one more cubana i think.

cezar, can i get another LB t-shirt XL?

thank you all for your inspiring comments!

much love.