Thursday 14/09/2023 - Great Central Rideout

Meeting at 0900 at Dunstable downs for a tour of the Rutland’s, stopping at the Great Central Railway for lunch.

About 260 miles in all,

The meeting point is here , it’s not the main car park, but the one down the road a bit.

This is the planned route, though it may change (I’ve still got to add a couple of rest stops too)

[If this sounds familiar, I was going to do this in July, but rain made me change the direction, weather next week looks promising]

I see your coming past Northampton, I am in Moulton (NW Northampton) if you need anything Pee / tea or Poo, hit me up.

I work from home all day, be nice to see some LB’ers.
Gav has my number.


Count me in please :+1:

Won’t be able to make this…Boris, I still owe you breakfast for helping me out months ago!

mah! I’m going to be in Sarajevo so wont be able to make this one.

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Unfortunately I cannot make this now. I have a plumber coming in the morning.

We did this run last year for your birthday iirc Boris. It was the longest run I’d done on the new toy at the time.

Sorry, I’m running about 15 mim late, see you soon!

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Thanks for a great day out Boris,

Look what you guys missed : -


This place has more T-55s than the second best army in Ukraine.


Now that’s an nice cream!

thanks for coming along, it was a good day out.

last minute re-routing so we went west rather than north to try and avoid the rain (still had v light rain for a while though). This means we didnt have lunch at the steam railway as planned, we did pass another (GWSR), but for some reason I decided not to stop, still not sure what happened there.


I could have done with that ice cream this afternoon. I went to Maidstone for work and the return journey saw 36°C on the air temp gauge.