theory test question!! who writes these!! please answer this one


So I’m studying for my theory test the following question pops up

*you are slowing down to allow pedestrains to cross at a crossing, how do you let them know this? (worded something like this)

A. use you left arm to wave them across
B. use your right arm to wave them across
C. do a stoppie
D. flash you lights

would you believe the answer was actually B now how is this possible when it is your breaking hand!!! also when sitting my driving test I was always told you never signal to a pedestrian!!


I think you are looking at old questions. I think you are right the HC has removed the “signal to pedestrian”.

You shouldn’t get it in the test - but you know the answer so just answer their stupidness

Definitely an old question, and one for car drivers, not motorcyclists. The current DSA book containing all possible questions and answers is entitled: “The Official DSA Theory Test for Motorcyclists”, and also has on the front “Valid for tests taken from 4 Septemer 2006”. ISBN 0-11-552750-8

This is one of the questions, I didn’t have a clue:

You see a pedestrian with a dog.The dog has a yellow or burgundy coat.This especially warns you that the pedestrian is:


dog training

colour blind


Ooh what’s the answer? Deaf?

Yep! Learn something every day!

I had a question saying something like:

There is a motorised wheelchair infront of you. What is it’s top speed:




(can’t remember the 4th option - but… WHO CARES!)

Don’t even remember seeing anything about it in the Theory books!!!

It’s 8 mph. The only revision I did was these questions over and over again. Soon you’ll have seen all of them

I got that one about the crossing once too and my CD was the latest version as far as I’m aware… I got it wrong first time through too.

I think it’s covered by the advice NEVER to signal anything to cross, either on a crossing or at a junction as the signal is always open to interpretation.

Apparently (although I stand to be corrected), if a rider/driver signals a pedestrian to cross and some twat comes hacking down the outside (or inside, even), the signaller could be held partially responsible if the pedestrian is knocked down.

that is the only one I got wrong, LOL!

Jim has the latest print of the questions, as it ended up with his son on Tuesday when I passed (35/35). Having read all the questions I know the waving people across question is not in the book, indeed, there are many questions where waving to other road users etc is definitly the wrong answer.

The series of questions on vehicles used by disabled people, including the two 8mph questions (and the scary orange flashing light on dual carriageways question) are in the current version of the book (4 September 2006) but not in the previous print (24 September 2005) which I have also read.

i like the do a stoppie answer, well thats what i do anyway, makes em jump if u do it while they crossin

only kiddin officer