The solution to idiotic parking?

Perhaps we all need to get some cards made up?

I used to have some that were very similar, they had something about leaving a tin opener so as I can get get my car out.

I left one under the wiper of my grandfathers car when he was visiting granny in hospital, I knew his car was visible from her room, when he left I showed gran one of the cards, we waited to see the old boys reaction. He read the card, tore it up and then literally jumped up and down on it! Gran laughed so much she thought she was going to have a heart attack!:w00t:

Kevsta - your looking less orange these days - quite dapper in fact! :w00t::hehe:

in my home town they used to stick this on the windshield of people that park like an @rse

its v difficult to remove

translation : “im an @arse & i park where i like”

Yeah the midlanders are far more polite and observant on the road. Plus they can’t handle the dayglo devil in all his glory. :smiley:

:smiley: +1 … love it

:stuck_out_tongue: +2 Exactly what we need!

Pan’s greek methods are good! Pan, how did you get those stickers off? :smiley:

e?? :ermm: