well nearly. Getting home at last, I come to a long road parralell with mine (ed you know the one ). Chav mobile in front swerving as if to not let me past, so I gun it towards what I thought was my last corner of the night! Oh no, blue flashing lights in my mirrors perhaps just starting to get onto the road I am now at the end of. Stop? Go? What? I went for it. Blast down my road, get to my house, blue light coming round the corner now, bugger. kept going, left again, back where I first saw the lights, then took a turnoff towards nowhere, and waited. nothing. went towards home , cop car volvo thing lingering up my road towards me, just passed like ships in the night. Police 0 - Meeks 1. Not a game I enjoyed or intend repeating!!!
I wish you more actions like this in the future, cops 0 - 1 you
Just joking…
All riders with a similar bike to meeks please expect a tug this weekend as Police look for what they believe to be a stolen motorcycle that failed to stop for them last night.
and lets hope your plate can’t be read when they replay the tape and enhance the plate.
sorry Meeks, but that was one daft thing to do mate.
I hope nothing comes of it.
Will they be offering a reward ?
Probably, and a special certificate called a NIP
Porky, I think in part most of us have that feeling that we will be pulled by a cop that is not understanding and there is a chance that they will go over your bike searching for something to fine you on . I’ve had a cop turn to his mate and say ‘what should we do him for’. While holding a fold out booklet that had a list of short codes
I don’t agree with the run but if it was going to be a tug for going a little bit faster than the law thinks you should be going I have no problems.
As for the stolen bike part I think we should all do a runner from the cops on all our different bikes if this is the thing that will get them putting more interest in finding stolen bikes and not just tugging us for going 35 in a 30.
IMO until the cops get a return rate of 60%+ on stolen bikes I will not agree with stolen bikes being of any interest to them!
Stolen bikes are of an interest to my lot i can assure you. (but i’m not Met remember!!)
being a little over the speed limit and wishing to trade a ticking off/3 points/whatever for a 'failing to stop/dangerous ride/etc is barmy…absolutely barmy!!
If you don’t give yourself cause to get stopped or draw attention to yourself you should avoid Police interaction to be honest…
was quite a bit over the limit, ban potential. nothing to lose in my mind, but daft yes…lesson learned
no probs meeks…glad your unscathed!
tut tut tut