Test your awareness

we all have seen the basket ball test (if you havent here it is)


but there is a new one!! equally easy to fail!! :w00t:


damn that 1st one is well effective

I remember seeing that first one a couple of years ago, blew me away when I replayed it and saw the bear.

The seconds ones a bit silly. I saw the bear had changed to the suit of armour, and that the ‘dead’ guy had changed with some sort of stand next to him, but the changes were intended to be subtle eg flowers changed for flowers etc.

You can’t beat the first one as a moonwalking bear is aa crazy one to miss :w00t:

hmm as I was watching it I though cor blimey I wouldn’t mind a bit of that maid:D

+1 i didnt see much at all after her :smiley:

Yeah, the maid distracted me too :smiley:

The first one was the most effective I feel.It really was fab.

Hadn’t seen the second one before… Did notice a few changes but not all :blink:

First one i have seen Too many times…
Think having the bear in black is too coy, you think hes just a member of the black team… Shruggs Guess thats the point though…

Also the watching the ball takes your eye away from the bear.
Stil pretty good though.

she can polish my brass in the master bedroom any time! :smiley: