I just bought a pink Tamorettti 6 Months ago. What a fun ride. Ive had absolutly no problems at all. A real head turner. I wish people would relax about chinese bikes. They are cheap yes and you do get what you pay for but when not taken too seriously you get a real giggle out of pottering round London on them. Thats all …
ok I have one of these tamoretti scooters and this is what I’ve learnt from ownership of it.
1 . the alarm - its way to ******* sensitive, everything from wind, lightning, loud engines, small touches on the bike set it off. also when you get off the bike the alarm “warns you” that its not on by beeping once every few minutes. this is a massive pain when filling up at petrol stations. also the alarm is pretty loud and a massive jar.
2 . top speed is 55mph on mine (getting to 30 is pretty quick but reaching 50 takes almost 30 seconds)
3 . the larger and stable stand has a rubber stop on it which gets destroyed by speed bumps and when its totally gone the bike vibrates and makes a really ugly noise. maybe I’m just going over speed bumps too fast.
4. its pretty wide at the handle bars and can make filtering difficult
5. top boxes are almost impossible to set up because of the seat at the back, if you do put one on it it increases the length of the bike by almost a foot. which makes parking a bit of a hazard.
things I like about the bike
the engine is pretty quiet, the seat is pretty comfortable, I’ve yet to ride with a pillion but I’d imagine its nice for them given also.
yes dont touch them with a barge poll got mine from central scooters they have had it more than me keep sending it back as ‘fixed’ now only for same prob to re appear apperar appear cuts out, loses power , never had more than 50 out of it dont go anywhere near one
Learner - Is your bike a 50cc or 125cc?
nobody is called learner in this thread (learner is a title you get based on post counts)
who is your question directed at?
one awesome thing - it has a kickstart
Could anyone get me picture of there carburettor manifold many thanks