there I was at 6am - looking forward to taking my bike out for the first time sinse the dreadful snow of last week.
I turn my little beauty on… i have the left indicator flashing like there is no tomorrow - look down… and long and behold somone has nicked my front Left hand Inidicator! What kind of a tosser does something so shallow - I mean - they left my lovely Beowulf Can, Heated grips… **** like that, and took a single indicator!!!
Sorry to hear this mate. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you do your own maintenance) Bikes are quite easy to dismantle - I’m suprised it doesn’t happen more often and more serious and expensive equipment doesn’t get stripped (maybe it does? :ermm: ).Did it happen outside your gaff? - if so - look into your security arrangements - maybe a cover would be a good idea?
I have a meta alarm, Disk Lock, Cover and bolts that go through the cover and through the alloys to tie the cover to the bike! Someone obviously did it either while i was sleeping or while i was at work!
At least it forces me to pull my finger out and get some nice clear indicators (need to find some first though)
My landlord actually has access rights to a piece of land at the back of the house i live in (which is a bit like a locked corutyard… (bit over grown with weeds at present) but i’ve asked him if he can ask the other users if they mind me parking there.
I have this feeling it must’ve been some stupid little teens messing around because their schools haven’t opened yet coz of the snow!, can’t be a proper theif as they would’ve atleast taken something more expensive!
Know of someone who had bits and bobs stolen from his front brake lever while it was parked up in the street and he was at work. Got on the bike and the whole lot just fell apart.
Poor sod! thank god that didnt happen to me! all that happens on mine, is the rear left hand indicator flashes a little faster now! Already ordered replaced LED ones now! (thanks westie)