tales of luck versus stupidity/forgetfullness/etc

i know seen people trying to look really cool and ride away with their disc locks on


There was the time that I got my first BMX one Xmas. Had to assemble it out of a box. Once everything was together the whole family came outside to watch me pull a minger, only to see the front wheel roll away as I hoisted it, with the forks digging into the tar a couple of seconds later (I was crap at wheelies back then too). That one really hurt!

Rode into the back of a stationary flatbed pickup truck on my pushbike and ended up on the flatbed. I was riding home and it was hailing hard so I was looking at the floor so the hail didn’t sting my face!!!

riding a bicycle into the back of a flatbed can be very much like making love to a beautiful woman

Cleaning my VFR outside my front gate? Was bending down so couldnt be seen? My dog, who was pottering about in garden with me, all of a sudden cos he couldnt see me, took a wobbler and literally tried, for some fookin unknown reason, to JUMP my bike to find me? hit the bike, bike fell on top of me trapping me underneath !! One sparkling clean bike, laying on top of one hurt female…PLUS i had to scream for help to get it off me, with one slobbering bull mastiff, lickin me moosh!

Years ago I rode a Suzuki GN250. After 36000 miles of abuse I changed the piston rings which I did with the engine out of the bike, on my living room floor. I drained the oil before I started and put the sump plug back in finger tight, making a mental note to tighten it properly later on.
A week or two later, with the bike back together I rode from London to St Neots to visit some friends, using B-roads and lanes as is my habit. I was on a twisty country lane near to my destination when I began to notice a certain vagueness about the rear end. “Puncture” I thought, so I stopped and looked down at the rear tyre - still inflated - “you’re imagining things”. I carried on a bit further and the vague feeling got worse. I stopped again and looked down to see my engine oil pouring out onto the road. I hurriedly stopped the engine. A search of the roadside failed to find the sump plug. Fortunately, one of the friends I was visiting had a spare Suzuki sump plug and a bottle of oil and got me moving again. His girlfriend used that lane to ride to and from work and she was most annoyed to find a line of oil stretching for miles, on just the line she wanted to use, when riding home.
My bike did another 8 or 9 thousand miles before running its crank.


I was working on the gate at a Brands Hatch trackday, letting riders into pit lane to start their sessions. I bloke on a Kawasaki rode up to the gate and I noticed something odd about his front brakes, so I stopped him so I could take a closer look. Clearly unhappy at the prospect of losing track time he seemed to be about to object strongly until I pointed out that the two remaining (out of 4) front caliper bolts had unwound themselves almost all the way out. That could have made Druids a little challenging. It turned out he had just got the bike back from having the wheels painted.


HMMMMMMMMMM praps i should take me chain off…