Super stock 600 racing 1989

With our very own suspension guru #16 @B


A nine year old me might have been watching from somewhere in the circuit! Great stuff @B.

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Not many better ways to spend your time as a nine year old.

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Enjoyed that! :smile:

Those marshals are brave.

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In the early days i was scared for their safety too, especially the way we were throwing the 350LC’s into the scenery.
Safety has improved so much since then and our marshalling is up there with the best now.

One thing that struck me from the video was quite how high the handlebars were. The CBR600 of those days looked like a lightweight tourer of today.

Especially the Suzuki. It was a bit slow on top speed already but the upright position can’t have helped.
At the time the bikes were proper suspersport machines but it just goes to show how lucky we are now with what we can buy out of the showroom.

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