Stupid Cagers Everywhere!!!

As my mum has gone on holiday I’ve been left with the task of checking up on her house, this means going up the A312. I hate going up and down the A312 with a passion… well unless theres no traffic, then its really fun . But on my way back today I witnessed 1 near accident and loads of distracted drivers.

And why were these people disstracted?


This complete retard woman starts to pull out on a dual carridge way causing a van to brake quite hard, I’m glad I always leave space infront of me! While the van is stopped she just drives across the other lane without even looking! This is all while she is on her bloody phone!

I would say that 40% of all the cars that I went past were driven by people holding there phones to there ears.

This is really getting stupidly out of control. Its about time that the police stuck to there so called strict zero tollerence to drivers on the phone.

By the way, I didn’t see one single police car at all on the way home! So much for policing our roads.

you tell’em Kev!

Porky? Darryl? anybody out there?

:edit: once you’ve finished in my garage: Wonder who tipped’em off???

They’re both on their way to check your garage contents, Andrew…

Good thing your brakes work eh?

lol tell me about it, actually I think I need to bleed the back brake just a little more.

Nice one Paivi

You’re not the only one it winds up Kevin, it drives me nuts as well! I have to resist doing anything!

I was nearly offed by a lady in a Chevy Suburban while commuting to work this fall…on I-135 in Wichita (a super highway…3 lanes in each direction…an “A” road in the U.K.) She was in the middle lane swerving wildly about…I accelerated to get around her in the far left lane…glanced over at her as I passed to see her yacking away on the cell phone with one hand and applying eye liner while gazing at herself in the vanity mirror with the other…

70 mph, 3 lanes of traffic in morning rush hour…I could see BOTH of her hands and NEITHER of them were on the steering wheel.

People just SUCK… :shake

I have a fun game I play…

while filtering or waiting at lights, if I notice a driver on the phone, I pull up by their window and rev hard for a bit.

let them hear my baffle free can

Like doing the same myself but what really tickles me is stopping next to them if you get them at a set of lights, tapping gently at their window and letting them know there is something wrong with the back of their car. By the time they get out and get to the back of the car you are well gone and they are being hooted at!!!

I spent about 5hrs driving around yesterday in the car up to oxford and back via milton keynes (nice!) and was nearly driven into twice. The problem is and its the same for bikes is no one is expecting anyone to be making progress any quicker than they are so just bumble along in a dream world/yacking on the phone/eating/putting on make up etc Thus when i over take they havent looked in their mirrors for two hours and arent paying any attention. Roundabout lane choice and indicating is my absolute fave at the moment. Left hand land turning off right with no indication? Why not, go ahead sir… Going straight on but just going to use both lanes as you’re too lazy to follow the shape of the roundabout? Of course you are… I saw three seperate incidents yesterday where people had just driven into each other at low speeds through lack of observation and signalling. Its getting worse too…

I love the idea of telling someone there is something wrong with their car and making them get out, brilliant!

This morning was made worse by cage drivers who do not clean their windows, so can not see due to glare of low sun reflected off road.

I could have been driving a large jumbo jet on the road and they would still just pull out!

I had a mate nearly drive into a tank.

He didn’t see it. either did his driving instructor until the last minute.

Quality. One to be remembered.

I like the cut of your jib, fella.

That would have been a very interesting insurance claim!

I’ve seen the same thing happen a million times on the Polish War Memorial roundabout in Ruislip, there is always 2 or 3 cars that have there hazards on at the side because they’ve driven into each other. When I went to the Ace on Sunday there were 2 cars there that had crashed in the morning and then when I came back there were 2 other cars crashed in the same place! Some people really are retards!

I had another stupid woman today, filtering down the A40 on my way back from work. Theres a car moving over to block my path infront of me, so I gave the bike a little rev to let the driver know I was there. Some space opens up on the other lane so I over take and have a look through the window. This stupid woman is sitting there trying to eat a packet of crisps and is looking down at her lap! Shes got one hand holding the crisp packet and on the steering wheel and the other trying to pick crisp out the packet!

I’ve got a mate who tried this once, someone’s using their mobile when they’re driving, he pulls up beside them when they stop, taps on the window to let them think something’s wrong with their car, when they wound down the window to see what the problem is, he grabs their phone and throws into the back seat of their car then takes off!! I just wish I’d been there to see that one!!

Thats stunning! A little off-topic - I was commuting to work on a sunny saturday with a colleague, he was filtering through Chelsea a few meters in front of me.

The traffic was totally stationary, jam-packed with Ferraris and Astons. Their rich bejewelled occupants were REALLY p****d off to see us make progress. So one arabic-looking fellow in a (convertible) Ferrari 360 intentionally swerves into our filtering lane, ahead of my mate. He gets it wrong, still leaving enough room for us to pass, so my mate leans out and grabs the guy’s very expensive pair of Oakley shades off his face.

And he still wears them with pride!

::: no swearing please, the old’uns get annoyed :::

I would love a pair of Oakleys…

I am going to filter around Kings road… lots of rich ******s there, LOL

Worst ones for being on the phone while driving are the bleeding coppers around here


ACAB ???

Someone care to explain?