Stunting in Traffic?! VS Old gits who don't have a clue about riding a bike

What are you talking about…? Sorry either I am being dumb or you aren’t explaining yrself very well… Prob the first one but…

No I could never wheelie as long as I wanted because I was always accelerating… i.e having to go through first 4 gears… ahh… just re-read it yr post… I know I know… I tried got close but never grasped the balance thing 100%… And never scraped it either… ;(

poor me

P.S. I did actually agree with what you were saying in my first post…?

Well bully for Paul Gower… !!!

Shouldnt you be in class young man

Agreed 100%… be saying that for years

Spoken like a true pro…

Nice mate … Nice

Agreed… but keeping bars straight (with very Loose arms / the floppier the better) that along with throttle is what stops tank slappers…then if it does start to slap just keep throttle on and focus on loose arms… if you are really in control you’ll lift yr arse off the seat… So the wooble isnt transfered through yr arms and down yr spine… into the seat… thats how a small headshake turns into a **** off bucking bronko…

good stuff this

Course I have no idea what I am talking about do I…

Veggie??? Good name

Does Paul ‘big dick’ Gower teach people who to truly balance a wheelie using the back brake… " first and foremost"

"know what I am talking about??? " did I say it was crap…? No… I just said I felt that it was unecessary… personal opinion!!!.. is that ok with you…? Ask any of those 444 crew or anyone who does proper stunts if they went to “wheelie school” … My point was that it would be worth it if they taught true back break control at 20 mph… like they said … anyone can power wheelie… and I taught myself that in 5 hours… All I am saying is I would rather save the money and spend it else where… Also you cant blame me for talking about cut out switches… they are about… they do get used…and they come from ‘a wheelie shool’ … so excuse thou high and mighty for mis representing PAUL GOWER … big up…

Interested to hear your awnser on the back break thing…

Now go and finish your home work … VEGGIE

Ah, here we go. Someone mouths off, get’s pulled up for talking ******** and the first thing they do is name call. What a surprise…

Right, back brake and balancing a wheelie. There are thousands of people who think they can wheelie, there are thousands of people who think they hit the balance point, and there are thousands of people who are utterly wrong!

I spend all my life with people who think they can wheelie, think they can balance, and they can’t. You have a handful of exceptions, excluding pro riders, but they’re a minute number. You only have to go to the Ace to see it. You have one or two people who really can stunt, the rest are accidents waiting to happen but are either too ****ing stupid or egotistical to admit it - even to themselves

As for teaching someone to balance on the rear brake … if you’re at the level of balancing a wheelie on the rear brake or at the point where that’s the next step to take YOU DON’T NEED TO GO TO A ****ING WHEELIE SCHOOL!

As for the attitude of schools are pointless…

Ask Lee and the boys how much damage they’ve done to their bikes learning to wheelie - then ask 'em if they’d have preferred to have been told how to avoid those accidents. Yes, you can teach yourself - if your idea of a wheelie is what you usually see at the Ace then anyone definitely can teach themself - but if you want to learn from someone who’s made the mistakes for you, who may very well stop you killing yourself and who will teach you to control the bike on one wheel then going to a school’s a very intelligent thing to do

Oh, and Paul came 17th at the World Stunt Championship, so I’d say he’s got a pretty big dick!

I do have to say that Veggie is probably one of the smoothest riders I have seen and controlled when popping a wheelie very safe. I have spent hours watching him up at the motard high beach meets and was very impressed.

The man talks sense!

Since when are we comparing racing with stunting?

We’re talking about someone who doesn’t know a single thing about what you would be taught at a wheelie school, or indeed why you’d be taught it, proclaiming them pointless

But then he’d probably say race school’s were pointless, too. Somehow, I don’t think Wayne Rainey et al, who were taught by Keith Code, would agree…

But hey, why should I care if someone believes him and goes out to try and learn on their own rather than going to the school they were originally going to go to, who then smashes themselves to pieces…

Oh, I remember now - because lying on the ground with your limbs pointing in the wrong direction can really ruin your day

TonyZRX: ‘Sorry - still don’t know why you guys are arguing?’

The argument revolves around someone who has no experience of wheelie schools, no experience of a specific wheelie school, no idea what’s taught at a wheelie or why it’s being taught by the school, no idea what isn’t taught and why it isn’t taught by a wheelie school, telling people that they don’t need to go to a school to learn - even though he has no idea what they would learn

So, in essence, we have someone telling people to not be taught by a professional and instead to go out and attempt an incredibly dangerous activity on their own - and they’re giving this potentially fatal advice based on absolutely no knowledge or experience of the sunject what so ever

If wheelies were easy everyone would be doing them. If someone wanted to learn to wheelie on their own, they would already have started trying to do 'em. For someone who is using their brain by deciding to go to a professional to learn a dangerous activity in a safe environment - unless everyone has access to a private runway? - where your every move is being scrutinised by a highly experienced professional stunt rider, to then be told be someone who has NO KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE to not bother is ****ing outrageous!

Oh, and just because you can get the front wheel to lift, it doesn’t mean you can wheelie, in exactly the same way the just because you can get your knee down, it doesn’t mean you can race

In case you guys are wondering Veggie Dave posts a lot on VD so is quite tough when it comes to forum posting !.. … tough crowd that…

If anyone really wants to wheelie watch Big Daves - How to Wheelie video that was free with Superbike magazine sometime back and then just take it slow.

bottem line, if you wona learn wheelies and you like your bike GO TO A WHEELIE SCHOOL, if you dont like your bike and can run from the cops then try any where and every where.

i never went to a wheelie school but even know, i can ride 2-3mile long wheelies and 12 o’clock my bike, combos the lot i would still do a day at a wheelie school if i had the money… WHY??? cuz you never stop learning, everyone does it in there own way so a day with anyone who can stunt is a day not to be missed, even if ya mates goin just go and watch, you might learn somethin

Thats why I attend california super bike school on a regular basis and have read and re-read keith codes books religiously… and still do

Presumtion is the mother of all **** ups…

Quote Veggie Dave: “Oh, and Paul came 17th at the World Stunt Championship, so I’d say he’s got a pretty big dick”

You would know mystro… you sound like you are on it enough…

Ah, back to the insults, but still can’t back up his bull****. What a surprise.

And now we discover that not only are your one of those ******s who gives advice without knowing a single thing about the subject, therefore putting people’s lives at risk, but you’re a hypocritical cunt, too

Or is it okay for you to do your race school 'cos that’s completely different?

Hey guys, don’t start any insults please, I don’t want to have to lock this thread as well. It’s a good topic, let’s keep it clean.

i’m stayin out of this 1, lol.

Listen I have backed up everything I have said… and you have actually backed it it for me too…

I “personally” felt that learning to do power wheelies is pretty easy… What I found really difficult was the bake brake… 12’o’clock **** that “YOU” said that once I was at that stage of learning I shouldn’t need a wheelie school… Now I personally think that there is far more room for error when attempting this than any power wheelie… but hey… I would have been to wheelie shool and spoken highly of it but I couldnt find one that could teach me how to twelve o’clock or slow contolled with back break… thats all… My point was that is a proper wheelie so unless they are going to teach you that then you can learn to power wheelie in yr own time… peice of cake…? IMHO… And I never slated anyone for doing a wheelie school… pls!!!.. kids do as you will who am I to judge… The only thing I think is a bit wanky is seeing those cut out triggers hanging off the rear of bikes riding around on the road … which I have seen on occaision and well thats why i was slightly wary of schools… (PLEASE NOTE… PAUL GOWER DOES NOT USE CUT OUT SWITCHES ON HIS SCHOOLS)

It is also my opinion that once you can wheelie… you can wheelie… you can always push the envelope out and try new stunts… high chairs… no hands, Standing on seat…its endless but the once you got the balance thing you got it… (And I am not taking away from the guys that have got it because I know how much skill and practise it takes to get there… fair play and hats off)… Like I said I never fully got it…

I was road riding wheelie fiend and that cost me license for 4 years… After nearly getting locked up and spending several months at home on a bloody electronic curfew I decided to take my love of motorcycles to the race track and release it there in competition… I had never been on the track before in my life and I realised I really didnt know what i was doing out there and I needed to learn fast… And yes I do think most race schools are whack… as I do most instructors at track days who talk complete crap + I can blow them out of the water after only one year on track… CSS however is priceless… it teaches you the fundamentals of what the bike needs from he rider to handel a corner at speed … at the bikes full potential… Doesnt mean I can do it all but at least now I know what i am trying to achieve and I am getting faster…

I seemed to have rilled several people by my post and I apologise for that… and I really dont want to add fuel to the fire … And please note that I say this with a view that most people who want to wheelie… will stop eaxctly there once they can… very few go onto to attempt the crazy and impressive stuff that some of you guys do… and so I say " once you can wheelie … you can wheelie" Agreed it never becomes boring and you must always be on guard but you can wheelie with yr eyes closed all day long… However you will always be able to round a track faster than you did the time before… you’ll never satisfy the want to bring yr lap times down…

Veggie Dave you get so upset you leave yourself open for a row and I could help but provoke you…Watching you steam has been huge amusement for me but I accept my part in this and I am sorry… I am making an official apology for that and hope we can make our cyber peace… in hope that we can have a mature a decent conversation and enjoy the LB xmas party together in harmony… Let me buy you a drink mate… failing that tell Jay to organise a ring and we’ll have a LB boxing match… hahahaha

Seriously I wish no one ill will and extend a virtual hand to all… have a good week

Olie! I have met you only once and unfortunately it was on one of your race meetings, minutes after you had a fall… We couldn’t speak at that time for obvious reasons.

I kept myself out of this thread up to now but after your post I just couldn’t resist … We have loads of nice things to come on LB soon, as you guys know, we all have 9 to 5 jobs and it’s being a hard work to bring LB to where it is now… I always wanted LB to make a difference in the biking world, being our members, racers, commuters, off road riders, stunters, cruisers, tourers, scooter guys , never mind! But make a difference!

I have seen during these short time LB is in the air, people meeting and getting together as they have never done before! I saw solitaire riders riding with mates now… People that had a bike but didn’t know for sure where to go? People that didn’t know that the Ace Cafe existed, people that have never been to Bar italia, people that have never been to Chelsea Bridge, people that had a problem and found the solution for it in our pages, people that had a tragic loss in the family and found some confort words from our fellow members, Some are learning skills, some are learning about other styles, people that made friends… The list is bigger…

Your post is one those things that make proud of all the hard work I have been putting on it! I’m sure that Jay and Tasha will back me up on that! Thank you very much for your actitude! Thank you for get the spirit want to pass to everyone of you out there! Let’s still talking about what involves biking and our world, let’s keep the fredown of speach! Let’s discuss it all but let’s learn from it! Let’s get informed, let’s pass knowledge and expertise!

It will be our pleasure to aproach a whelling school , if you guys indicate it to us and get an article written about it! Not just that, if you feel that there’s something out there that you want to know more? Let Lb know and if it’s ‘doable’ we will try to bring it to you.

You, that is reading it right now, also can help us! If you work on anything bike related and think it would add to the community, please let us know and we will write about you or your product. If anyone of you think that you may can write something to LB articles, galleries etc , please get in toutch with us!

This is our community! let’s grow big and become a voice in the biking world! let’s have quality debates in our foruns and set the example for the others! This LB party will be great! It will be great becouse I can feel it ! You can feel it too, just look at the same direction of us!

Some of you are already doing so, thanks for that! specially to TonyZXR, Ian and others that I’m not sure if I should mention before ask them! Thank you all that have our sticker on your bike! Thank you all that come here and post and read and participate! Thank you in name of !

Cezar Fenianos

Ps: You that are reading it and hasn’t joined LB yet, just sign up mate! You don’t need to be in London or in Uk do to so! You don’t need even to be in the same planet! Join us!



Listen I have backed up everything I have said…

Er, no

Your argument was to tell someone not to go to learn to do a potentially fatal activity in as safe an environment as possible where he’d be taught by a professional rider what to do and what not to do, because he wouldn’t be taught an incredibly difficult and advanced technique that you admit you haven’t got the talent to do yourself

That’s like telling someone not to go to a CBT school because they won’t tell you how to get your knee down!

So, you’ve given someone utterly uneducated advice that could cost someone their bike, their liberty, their ability to walk and even their life - and when someone points out you’re talking ******** you resort to name calling. Sadly the 'net’s full of self-procliamed experts who get caught out and resort to anything except admitting they’re wrong

Your arguement is fundamentally flawed, which you damn well know, but again you resort to the tedious old excuse that you weren’t talking ********, you were in fact just trolling…

Oh, and Bike2Travel, is that the attitude this forum’s all about, because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying to me?