Have any of you guys done this? For example, pass your test on a CBF500 and then went out and bought a Superbike?If no what was your first motorcycles after passing your test?
Just asking because the temptations to go out and buying your dream bike are huge. I’m in bike limbo land right now, waiting for my first years no claims on my scooter to come through cough (end of November) cough and there are so many options for me for my first bike.
Do you buy with your heart or your head so to speak
I think, to an extent, that insurance costs will dictate my first big bike. I suspect that “dream bikes” for newbies like myself come with “nightmare insurance premiums” :pinch: For me I suspect I will get something reasonably sensible (although not toooo sensible) for a year or 2.
Good question:cool: My first bike after passing my test was a CBR400 Gull arm import, it was very expensive at the time and looked like a blade, I was aprehensive when it came to riding it because of its engine size but it proved so much easier than any 125 I had ridden before. A sports bike is easier to ride in my opinion but i would say you have to give them ultimate respect, you can very easily end up in all sorts of trouble by gaining way too much speed so quickly and not really knowing what to do with it. I would reccommend anyone who feels compitent (is that a word?) in riding, to get a 600, maybe a CBR600. But I would advise against geting a thou as your first bike. I would also suggest that a 50cc scooter is far more dangerous than a 600cc superbike:D being overtaken all the time and no power to get out of trouble, Let us know what you get in the end.
I had a CG125 for a year before I did my DAS, picked up my GSXR the week before my test - passed my test and went straight out on it with no probs Lot of people advised me against it but as long as your sensible and take it easy until you get used to it you’ll be fine.
I bought with my heart otherwise I would have seen it as a waste of money spending a few grand on something i didnt REALLY want
A 600 isn’t a superbike. A 1000 is a superbike. 600’s are Supersport, but that said, you can kill yourself on any bike, but biking is a journey, not an event, you progress through the biking world, gaining experiences and skills. Starting off on a big bike will only put you at greatly increased risk of killing yourself and then not to mention you perhaps won’t learn the essential skills needed to get the most out of a smaller bike before progressing to a bigger bike. If you go straight to a big bike, you’ll quite likely never get the most out of it and if you do try to, the bike will bite back, hard.
It’s like playing with snakes, you start off on a small one, because when you make your mistakes (and you will do on bikes, it’s human nature), the snake doesn’t bite too hard normally, but if you go and jump in with a cobra, well, when that bites you, you’re dead, no two ways about it.
But hey, if you can even find an insurer to cover you, which I think is extremely unlikely and you really want to do it, then it’s your call, it’s your life and your decision.
I wouldn’t do it in retrospect. Some of the best times I’ve had on two wheels is whilst learning my craft on smaller bikes. Getting more out of a superbike now is the aculmination of those formative years.
I think a 600 is a logical first step or perhaps a 100 V-Twin?
I’m on a triple and I enjoy it, its only a 675 but I was looking at the 1050 and wouldnt have had a problem, only because its a triple though - I think if I’d have gotten an R1 I’d be 6 foot under today.
I know everyone says its all about self restraint and the bike only goes as fast as your throttle hand - but I think there are also aspects of experiance that are not captured in that saying!
rode like a novice like everyone else until i’d done the miles. defo in the top laminated 10 list of most exciting moments going to pick it up from the dealer (on the day i passed my test)
my first bike daytona 675, never had or rode anything before, straight from airport went to dealers after passing my test in Poland. covered 18k miles in the last year, still alive
started off on 250’s, 380’s, various trail bikes ts, xl’s etc for a few years the a few 750’s before finally getting the Blackbird, and still learning all the time because the day you dont learn is the day you have “the big one”, whatever bike you get enjoy it but remember it will always be better than you
I did my DAS test about 5 months ago having never ridden a road bike before. I went straight out and bought a Suzuki GSX-R 600 K4 in bright yellow and a the noisiest can i’ve ever heard, and absolutely loved it.
Ok its not quite a 1000cc but still more than powerful enough for what i want. I was worried about jumping from an upright extremely sluggish bike to a light fast super sport. I thought the handling was going to be so different, but to be honest it was really easy. Found it really nice to ride and picked it up really quickly.
I’ve ridden motorcross for 17 years so i’m quite used to bikes, that might have helped abit.
i done my das in june it was the first time i had ever been on a bike passed it and then bought my sv 650 k3 i ride it everyday nice and easy or bloody mental depends what mood im in:D
I passed my DAS in January, went straight out on my CBR600F, and bought my CBR929RR Fireblade less than a month ago. Depends on how easily you get used to your bike, how comfortable you are with the extra power etc… Thoroughly recommend the CBR600F. Very forgiving, and bloody good fun!
DAS to FJ1200, a giant pussy cat of a bike with bloody sharp teeth if you decided to get the revs over 6500rpm… I had an absolute ball on the bike for a year and then sold it. Now have a 955i Sprint RS.
It is all down the the rider and what they can sensibly cope with. I did do some off road biking as a lad.