Hi Guys,

Would appreciate your help on this please keep your EYES & EARS open my mate has had his Bike stolen this morning (Wed 07/02/07) in Sawbridgeworth,Herts.

It’s a Yellow SUZUKI DRZ 400SM

Reg no :EFO6 MJX

Chassis no :JS1B8111100100536

ENGINE NO :K419-146247


The scum are busy

Do you know if it was a k5 or k6 model, I’ll keep my eyes open, I had my drz stolen from soho on world cup day so I know the hurt. Their time will come.

K5 !!!

hi every one, its actually a k5 model, thanks taz for putting this post up.

the drz is bright yellow with a distinct yellow headlamp, alloy exhaust gaurd, genuine suzuki hand gaurds and with drz decals on either side of the swing arm. i have put up a £600 reward to the recovery. possibly more if the lowlife who stole it head is bourght to me on a platter.

very much dowt i shall ever see it again but fingers crossed.

appreciate any info and thanks for taking your time to look

yours a very pissed off allen.

now recovered from scumbags house in harlow, essex.

too much damage including frame numbers slightly ground away but still readable but will have to go through insurance. what was once a 6 month old bike now looks like 5 + years old.

had a tip off on tuesday and spent up untill 10pm getting it backwith the help of a few unsavoury but decent mates. scum who nicked it was not at home obviously out on the theive again. i have his name , tel, number and address and once dust is settled a visit to discuss the right and wrongs of nicking motorbikes shall be in order plus a few extras like the odd size ten rammed in his scummy mouth.

still pissed of but never the less a result.

cut all his fingers off then blind him,so for the rest of his life he has to rely on some one to feed him,and treat him like a child

Glad you got it back but sorry about the state it was in, I hope he gets some payback!!