came out to go to work this morning…and its gone, my lil winter hack and runabout has been nicked!

it was locked up with a chain through the front wheel, its either been lifted or dragged off, it has an immobiliser so hopefully they will try to start it and it wont work!

its only a scoot its not worth much but its mine ansd its damn usefull or was…

it was stolen fromn my drive in walthamstow east london between 9pm last night and 8 am this morniNG.


anyone sees or hears anything let me know please…

cheers yours fumingly- ratty

Sorry to hear that mate. Hopefully Police will find it.

I’d bet good money that it’s been nicked by locals - probably not gone very far either.

Have a good nosey around your local neighbourhodd.

Probably find it, not hidden at all.

Happened to me years back - they’d moved it 50 yards away!

Good luck fella

Big stickers means it’ll probably be razzed and trashed in one night so they don’t get caught, or stipped for spares and dumped. Unless you are dealin with really really stupid criminals… eyes out!


Sorry to hear that your scoot has gone walkies mate. I hope you get a result soon.GSXR Rocker…nice avatar…shame about your eyesight though;):DAnd so quick with the edit button too;)

Hope you get it back…For future ref, I’d chain a bike up through the frame or in your case the rear wheel as it becomes harder to nick…Front wheels come off real easy.

hey all
i have had a wander round the estate and surrounding areas, no sign…

well i have had a word with a mate that knows some of the rascals on my estate, he rekons they wouldnt touch it, too close to home, some others are gonna look on some other estates for me, cant belive its sat theer for a year or so, and outside my work all night while at work for well over a year now, never been touched…

its teh inconvience if it that really winds me up, i have to ride my SV in teh shitty waether now, thank god it wasnt my SV…

yeah in hindsight i should have chained teh back wheel, i’m going to get a ground anchor now, chain both bikes to it.

you should get it back m8 1way or another but sadly it may look a bit sad:crying: sayin that tho they might fix her up 4 ya & get rid of them big 46 stickers 4 ya:blink:

if you get the ground anchors i’ll pop by & fit them for you

hope all turns out well 4 ya:P

Sorry to hear it fella :angry: