Stiffer speeding penalties for leading rideout

This is from a web site I frequent. The actual rider concerned has posted on it with his side of the story and what is happening, this is something which affects us all so i suggest you give it a visit.,22684,24099#msg-24099

in the ideal world, yes, you would and could be responsible for others, but this is living and i don’t see any logic or common sense in this ruling…

so asssume this only applies to motorcyclists and not rush our racers in cars, vans or lorries racing each other every day, hey? what a nonsense… :confused:

what utter rubbish…!

nice little jaunt the 272…

what aload of tosh so if i jump off a cliff would the peole behind me? you break the law its you’re fault not anyone elses unless forced to do so and aren’t the likes of bikesafe and iam clear to say that you should always ride your own ride and ride to your own capabilities and not the others around you??? :angry:

Interesting impact on IAM and ROSPA ride outs …I did my IAM Advanced with a Police officer so this mean if I got caught speeding on the course (and I did go over the speed limit several times) he could be done as well.

This has to be one of the more stupid rulings in the long list of them.

I am getting fed up with the constant repeating of the MCN nonsense on this case. Nothing in this case makes you guilty of speeding just because someone else did.

The facts agreed by all parties are that this person did at least 85mph in a 60 zone whilst leading an overtake of a car that was itself speeding. One of the following bikes was clocked at 103 during its overtake. All this is shown on police video.

The leader has been prosecuted and found guilty of speeding at 85mph in a 60 with aggravating factors increasing the penalty. No claim was made that he should be treated as doing 103, and the court has not found that.

On appeal the court found that the overtake well in excess of the speed limit in the knowledge that following riders would also need to break the law to keep up was an aggravating factor. He still received a much lower penalty than would be expected for doing 103mph.

The MCN article is full of rot like -

‘Being the lead rider in a group is an aggravating factor making
you partly responsible for speeding offences of those behind

No: he was found guilty of overtaking a vehicle at high speed well in excess of the speed limit with a number of aggravating factors. He was not found guilty of the offences of others.

‘The lead rider might be only a few mph over the limit but
could be given the same penalty as the worst offender behind.’

No: he was exceeding the speed limit by at least 25mph, probably much more.

As for the IAM/ROSPA thing, I am not aware of an IAM ban - my IAM group are still holding regular rideouts.

mcn… wow… LOL


+1. Well done for pointing out their poor reporting. That’s a shame :frowning:

i saw the article was on the mcn site, so didnt either bother reading :slight_smile: i made the mistake of buying a copy once years ago, that was enough!