Dropped it again Not really my fault though… the crappy crazy cobble paving joining the road from the bike park outside Bike Stop in Stevenage old town got me. Had just been in and got some gloves. Rolled it back… paddled and it stopped. The road design was so there was air between my feet and the road. Moved it forward. Back wheel got stuck in dip and over it went (off side). Bless them, they all ran outta the shop to pick it up with me. Man that bike is heavy! I had to ask them how many had done that before me… lots apparently, unless they were being kind. A letter will be sent to the Highways Agency.
Anyways… no damage but I swear the bike sounds louder. It didn’t hit the floor hard but at least I wasn’t under it this time. Gave it a good run home and when I open it up, it’s sounds normal. Got some nice new Daisnese gloves and know why my hands were so cold the other night, they are vented. :doze:
aw shucks gaz… i did steal your post title hey i admit it anytime… i’m a nob
mole - it was the bandit. But luckily it was the side that the previous owner had thrown down the road.
RK - got the thermal ones that aren’t thick, so can bend fingers in them. Had to get mens medium gloves. I’m double jointed so thumbs get cut off on stitching on the ladies ones.
Got to have it dropped a couple of inches I think… I just don’t have the extra inch to get my foot down when I’m on uneven ground. How easy is it to do? Will I need a mechanic to assist?