spring days

ho hum, im sat here dreaming of those georgous days when you wake up, look out of the window and its sunny, blue skies, and a nice milder air, you go to the garage, get the bike started up, dreamily stare at her all glistening in the sunlight, through your leg over the seat and just head off into anywhere…:w00t:

oh and obviously by then i`ll be wearing my beautiful dark tan triumph leather jacket, nice dark jeans and my sidi streetburners.:stuck_out_tongue:

Whats the best part of the biking season for you guys? and your fave bit of spring summer clothing?

Same as you the sun comes up right through our bedroom window, so when you wake up you see the warm/hot sunlight coming through… wake up, nice weekend breakfast, bikes out…love it all :D, its coming later for us this year, around june time, but cannot wait :slight_smile:

are you insinuating that spring aint coming til June?!:P;)

No, but due to ‘bump’ i cannot ride until around then, so i am going to hate you all when i hear bikes going past, or i read on here that you’re all having a blast, and facebook is going to be a nightmare!!! :smiley:

yeah but you`ll be having baby to look after:P

Thats why god created babysitters lol :smiley: