Speed check at Hammersmith Flyover today

I thought I’d point this out here, rather than elsewhere on the Forum so more of you see it.

I was coming from Putney this afternoon and after negotiating the mad-house that is Hammersmith roundabout, made to join the main A4 as it comes down from the flyover, heading West.

In the hatched area alongside the ramp was a Traffic car, Pan European and a TO with a speedgun, and by the looks he was covering both the traffic heading West coming down the flyover, and the traffic heading East on to it.

Trouble is he’ll have been invisible to all, so who knows how many motorists had their collars felt today.

So watch out gang, they may be using slightly more stealthy techniques than we appreciate. They’ll probably have moved by tomorrow, but could easily adopt such strategies elsewhere.

Oh, and I REALLY HOPE that those of you who use the A40 into town are keeping to the limits, no matter what the time is, after Friday’s events. Anyone who gets nicked there and comes on here whining about it will only receive the more sarcastic end of my (alleged) wit. Be warned.

I use that road all the time…thanks for the info, what happened Friday then ??..

I missed all the kaffuffle again !!!

Thanks Andrew. That’s a nice stretch of road, and I’ve seen folk blast over there at ton up before.

Its so bloody easy on that road…starts off with a 30mph zone past Paddington Green nick that no one sticks to…must confess, although I know they have relatively frequent traps set up I am well prone to tearing that road up at well over triple the limit on my way home at 8am…Nice one for the heads up Andrew!