sort of noob needs advice

hi all… saw a bloke on a tasty brand spanking new Daytona on my way home last night and he had stickers on it so i thought i would check out what it was!

first time posting, in fact first time ever posting on any website…

rode a vespa for a year or so, then a mate was emmigrating and offered to sell me his CBF500 ABS for a good price so i took the plunge and did my DAS last August. loved every minute and been loving riding in town ever since.

starting to get itchy feet though. the CBF is so reassuring and easy to use, really practical and cheap to run, but the poser in me feels no satisfaction when sat at the lights surrounded by more impressive machines. so, after only 8 months on it i am thinking about upgrading…

heart is pretty much set on a 2005+ Speed Triple. i dont do much distance riding, an hour out of town at the most really, so want something i can carve (at perfectly legal speeds) around town on. i am pretty big (6’2" and 14st) so need something quite large for fear of looking like a gorilla on a BMX, and the trip is looks a meaty thing. slightly concerned about stepping up to a litre engine, but guess it is all about how hard you push it? Also looking at the Aprilia Shiver and would have considered the Street Trip if i could get it before Xmas…

any advice/thoughts most welcome?

see you on the streets.

Hello and welcome mate,
I ride an 07 Speed Triple, i’m 6’3 and 12 stone and the riding position for me is superb so you won’t have issues there. It’s just a great bike. It’s nice and easy to ride around town although pick up from a closed throttle can be a bit jerky and it’s fine for long distance in fair weather (furthest i’ve done is 400 miles and that was pretty easy going). Stepping up from a 500 to litre Speedy shouldn’t be an issue, the engine is very smooth and torque curve is flat so there are no nasty surprises. It’s a very stable and predictable bike, and you can really hoon it around once you get used to muscling it through the twistys. It behaves if you want it to, if not then it becomes an animal. :smiley:

Get yourself down to a dealer and take one for a testride. :smiley:





thanks mate, it is good to be reassured it is comfortable by someone tall!!

awesome looking bike you’ve got, that is what i am talking about…

i’ll get myself down to a dealer asap and take one out, i think it is probably going to be love at first ride… it seems to tick every box for me. now just need to find someone who will insure me for less than £1m… :slight_smile:

cheers again

geetings newbie …welcome to lb

Have you tried eBike? My insurance is a **** take too (1 year no claims, under 25, military, 3 points) and got a years fully comp for £800 when everyone else was £1k+.

By the way, the Street Triple is nice, but it feels a bit small to me. My mate who works in a Triumph dealer says his dealership will be getting the Street Triple in November at the earliest. is a good source of information on all years and models of the Speedy.

i’m 27, no points, but no no-claims yet, and they were all wanting £1500+ for TPFT! the only place i found that was reasonable was a company called Quinns Insurance, who wanted £488 TPFT which was more reasonable… it did worry me that they were so much cheaper than everyone else though, has anyone hear of em?

thanks for all the tips peeps, much obliged.

check the company out they may be underwritten by a much bigger insurance company.

also try a company called (or .com cannot remember which) they got me an amazing deal on my car but they do, do bikes as well

i was just on their website (i’d got the quote through and it appears they are an Irish company, but also offer insurance in the UK and other european countries…

might read up more about them before i sign up, but seems legit and they were really well priced…

Hi fella

The Speed Triple just looks like the reason to lose your license. It brings out the hoon in me something awful. The Street Triple (a naked daytona) looks like it might be a good compromise, if you can stand to ride it until it is paid for, and of course there is the wait, that has to be overcome as well.


hubby rides a Speed and is 6’1 and 15 Stone. I ride a Street and would say that hubby finds he feels too big on my bike.

All the reviews I’ve read suggest the Street is suitable for folk up to about 5’10 (I’m 5’8 and it’s perfect).

Hubby loves the Speed and finds the handling and riding position perfect for his size.

Waiting list for the Street is currently running at 9 months but you can pick up a Speed straight away.

Good luck


Welcome to LB mate! :cool:

Yep, the Speed Triple’s a great bike for big fellas! I’m 6’1" and I love mine :slight_smile:

As S3Hooligan said, it’s one of the best engines around, completely predictable with no surprises, so I don’t think you’ll have a problem stepping up from a 500. Ok, so wind protection ain’t the best for motorway work but that’s true of any naked bike. It more than makes up for it on the twisties, you’d be hard pushed to find a bike that’s more fun in that environment! :smiley:

There are a few dedicated S3 forums as well - (more general Triumph than S3)

Definitely take one for a test ride, bear in mind that it usually takes the rest of the day for the silly grin to fade :smiley:

Let us know how you get on!

(they can even do trackdays!) :hehe:

Welcome to lb.

Don’t want to confuse your choice but if you’re loking for a great commute naked bike with plenty of power that carves through trafiic and suits 6’ + then KTM SuperDuke fits the bill - don’t know about insurance though - just a question of making as many phone calls as you can in the time you have available.


hey, welcome to LB!

cheers folks, all good advice to hear!

can anyone advise where best to take a testride on the speed trip? i was thinking Metropolis at Vauxhall probably…

Depends on where you are mate - if you’re in North London I’d definitely consider North City Triumph, always had top-notch service from them. Jack Lilley out west near Shepperton are very good as well, from what I’ve heard.

That’s done it :w00t: Now you’re hooked :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to LB :wink:

Hi and welcome,

try H&R insurence, they have always sorted me out a good deal.