some pics from brands 10th of feb

a few pics from a fantastic day at brands! thanks to those who showed up to watch :slight_smile:







some pretty decent shots Matt - what camera / lens are you using?

no idea mate as im the one in the photos lol

Funny I was just about to point that out!! :smiley:

Looking good there Matt, is that you’re 7r?

no mate thats my hybrid VFR400 racebike having its first shake down after a major rebuild. havnt had my '7R on track yet…

Looking good matey…

PompeyTim (11/02/2008)

to small to be a 7R… that’s a VFR400 aint it?

Fantasic photos Matt. Was great to catch up with you on Sunday. Good weather and food and that RSV with full carbon fairing, OMG :w00t:

It was great seeing you flying down the straight out of clearways at the same speed as the litre bikes, you were carrying so much corner speed you were putting them all to shame!

I kinda figured as much, and I knew Matt had a 7R so put 2+2 together and made 5, but then I’m not as much of a geek as the rest of you! :wink:

Please keep away from my quizzes Tim.

We don’t want you having a nose bleed do we?;):smiley:

was a great day, you done well babe x

think it was using his bike at the weekend, now tim dont know his arse from his elbow :slight_smile: he all excited