Separate GPS Units - Lap and Rideout Tracking

I have a question about separate GPS units, I almost asked in the thread about Rideout tracking apps, but thought it’s a little different, so deserved its own thread.

For a while I’ve thought about getting a separate Bluetooth GPS receiver, mainly for recording laps at track days (I’m a sado stato, so want to know speeds and times). Yes, phones have GPS built in, but they run at only 1Hz which I believe means an update every second. It means my tracking can look a little like this -

I didn’t go riding off through the greenery, but you can see the lines get a little off track at times.

Now, for this I could get a relatively simple 10Hz BT GPS unit, such as the Qstarz BT-Q818XT. It’s not too bad a price at £55 (£50 on eBay).

Then, I could have one that records the information, rather than just Bluetoothing it to a phone to record, which I assume can then be uploaded at the end of the day. For this I think I would need something like the Qstarz BT-Q1000EX, a bit pricier at £135. It would be nice though, both at track days and doing rideouts, to just turn it on, leave it under the bike seat and check it at the end of the day. No turning on and off for different stops etc.

So… does anyone use these types of device? Any advice?