scary moment today

i was on my ktm today havin fun after a stressfull day.

going along hackney road when i heard a massive bang then my back wheel lock up all in a matter of seconds.

i try’d to ride to the curb but it just revved in all gears:angry: turns out my chain snaped in half.

but it is my fault because i have had my bike for about a month now & spent lots of money on bits n bobs. but being tight fisted did’nt change the chain big mistake:crying:

so please learn from my mistake & do not leave things till another day. it may save your life:Whistling: i’m just lucky that i managed to stay on my bike

Good words there mate, too often we assume that things will just be ‘ok’ until whenever, not so!

With this in mind, I’m curious to know how people rate Scott Oilers? The garage I take my bike to hates them.

I’ve got one and have no complaints about it, other than the mess it makes :slight_smile:

Scottoilers are like Marmite - Love em or hate them.

Personally i prefer to clean and lube my chain, that way you can keep an eye on it and not take your chain for granted.

It could end up snapping on you;)

I had a heart stopper last night on the way home from Jay & Foxy’s (thanks for the food mates :smiley: )Jumped an amber coming over Vauxhall cross and saw a big red double decker moving at speed across my path at the junction in the distance…As I was travelling at a speed I wouldn’t be able to stop from, I just gunned it some more, then had to brake hard as I went under the bridge.

Most scared I’ve been for a long time as if the bus had pulled out more, then I wouldn’t be here.

Don’t jump lights.

after changing my chain i’v also changed my break fluid sorted my pads & burnt me under pants:laugh:

but sayin all that it’s soooooo easy to get back into your old ways. will i learn my lesson ???

ride safe people:D

i got grilled by a few lbers at bmm on wed as ive just had a new chain and sprockets fitted and my chain was too loose… oops, am taking her in tommorrow to get adjusted…:slight_smile:

best to get sorted untill then keep ya speed legal:D my bike feels so much better now its got a new chain, sayin that its still a lumpy ktm :smiley: but it alway pays to keep a eye on things

We all learn by our mistakes.

Let’s hope so.

I’ve no gaffs to report so can’t add to this “thread of shame” hehe.

U lot, what are u all like eh? :hehe: