Well I know this is potentially a little last minute but I am putting it out there. I have a child free weekend and I am hoping to get out on the bike. Sooooo with that in mind…would anyone fancy braving the ever so slightly chilly weather and fancy helping to organise a meet-up/ride-out for this upcoming Saturday (22nd I believe).
Saturday 22nd January 2022. Start time TBD and meet-up location TBD. Then a nice group ride down to Folkestone on A/B roads for a bite to eat in the newly opened Betty’s Pye & Mash shop. Pics below for reference.
That is not good @nivag Hope to see you at a ride soon.
Anyone that is interested please let me know ASAP so I can sort numbers out. Trying to sort a route out for there and back. Plus a time and a place for the start and end with fuel somewhere as well.
Starting a new thread as it will not let me edit certain bits on this one. Will be posted in a bit @Toby1KernowB let me know onel the other thread if you are up for it. Small numbers or big I still fancy going for a ride