Safety kit. How far would you go?

Just intersted. My recent off as got me thinking about stuff and I stumbled (ahem) across some bits and pieces about Neck Braces. There’s a story about it in the current BMF mag.

So if they were affordable (the retail at £350 at the mo) would you wear one?

I know the attached is about desert racers but they’ve been testing for a while. Indeed I think a race series in SOuth Africa are testing them too.

dainese do one also to fit there new jackets which looks more usefull

Here’s the website for the one developed with KTM / BMW.

We will probably be getting some of the new neck braces in to trial with some of the new 2008 collection fron Dainese. I am going to upgrade my next years winter jacket to a goretex touring jacket and may think about adding a neck insert to mine.

Only when they become more flexible…

I’ve heard that the current ones make shoulder checks difficult

Track use only for now then.

I’d be worried about having restricted head movement when doing “lifesavers”

I’m not too sure about them for track riding… would I have the freedom of movement I need to hide behind the (scarce) fairing in the straights?

Airbag jacket would be more useful IMO

Don’t know, not sure.

If they help to save me in a crash then yes but as said if they actually contribute to the crash because you can’t look behind you easily then probably not. I have problems looking behind me anyway as my shoulders are stiff and the Roof RO10 helmet doesn’t have a big visor appeture

Possibly on the track where your chances of coming off at speed are much greater, but I’m not convinced that they wouldn’t hamper life savers. However I would like to try one before I knock them… but not at that price.

Good for pillions and racers. No good for anyone who wants to look behind themselves without using their elbow checkers.

Airbag jackets? Wait until someone sets yours off in the pub for a laugh…