Ride out from ace to bike shed 29/10/2023

Hi my name is jay it’s my first time posting here :joy: me and boys are playing to ride from ace cafe London to bike shed on Friday 29th October we’ll be meeting at ace around 7:30pm and will be setting off around 8 to bike shed if you’re interested please let me know :blush:


Happy days and welcome to LB Jay, I have fond memories of both of those nose bags.

Is this some sort of ‘ride in’ protest in support of The Blade Runners opposing the ULEZ expansion, pay per per mile, or the now what seems to be a London wide, speed camera enforced, 20 mph speed limit or just a Jolly Boys’ Outing?

I don’t recall any recommendations for the Ace we used it as a 'meet, greet and leave for somewhere else venue. At The Bike Shed their cheeseburger, chips and diet coke premium meal deal is worth the ‘ride in’ if you’ve got 20 hard earned in your sky rocket to burn.

Enjoy your day in London