Rain X

Daft question to ask I know when the sun is beating down and a glorious weekend predicted :smiley:

Rain X? Good to use on your visor or not? My car had a treatment added to its windscreen when I had it serviced recently and I must say Iā€™ve been pretty impressed by the way the water beads off so it got me thinking if thereā€™s anything out there that does the same thing for your visor. Obviously Iā€™m not going to slap this stuff on only for my visor to melt so I thought Iā€™d ask you experts out there for advice. :slight_smile:

Extra throttle, and a slight turn of the head! lol


thats my method too Alex

Mel has used rainX on her visor and it hasnā€™t melted yet ā€¦iā€™m not sure wether itā€™s the same as the car one or they do a specific visor version

Iā€™ve used it on mine aswell without any probs - also polished it up with Mr Sheen a few times, done the same job & the visor is still ok, hasnt shattered or gone brittle like people say they do.

Used it for a long time nowā€¦always good.

Used this stuff from Nikwax all through the winter:


Works perfect and is Visor specific.


The one iā€™ve used is called visorproof, only used it the once or twice but not enough use to make anything react badlyā€¦yet!

I just use my ā€˜Merā€™ car wax. Does the same as Rain X I used to buy :wink:

Donā€™t waste time/money on Holts ā€œAnti-mist and water repellant - specially formualted for visorsā€ because it is cr@p.

I use rain-X works fine for me, but go faster is the cheaper option :smiley:

+1 for Nikwax Visorproof. Does need frequent re-application though.

Hltz is terrible as siad. I use Mr Sheen on my visor - works wel land costs bugger all! I use Halfordā€™s cheaper but jsut as good version of Rain-X on the car windows and the mirrors and lights on the bike.