radar detectors

anyone got/know of a suitable radar detector you can mount on the bikes? (for hand held laser guns)

appear to be a fair few for cars (road angel, sentinel etc)

'aint they illegal?


thats what i thought when a mate told me he’d got this one? says it covers mobile laser guns…


You have to consider the source - but look here

perhaps one of the nice coppers on the site can confirm?


I thought it was jammers which are illegal.

Detectors are legal, I use a snooper Neo on the bike

PB’s Dale Slowmass did the Cannonball run with a detector and a [separate] jammer, both state of the art, both worked. IIRC they are illegal, so the detector has a wireless feed to a strobe on the yoke that cannot be traced to the detector [thereby spoiling Plod’s easy nick] and the Laser Jammer is a new type thatdoes not give an error reading [the old ones did…] so the enemy just think they missed you rather than “Stop him, he is running a Laser Jammer” ! probably a charge of Perverting the course of “justice” too . . .

Jammers are illegal, detectors such as Roadangel are legal

BUT the detectors are a waste of money.

The lasers used nowadays are not permanently ‘on’ they are pointed at you then lined up then fired…that’s when your detector detects it by which time it is just confirming you’ve been done.

the new lasers also give an error code now, as rightly said, the older lasers were foxed by some jammers but not the new ones.

It’s a lot easier sticking to the speed limits…most speed traps are set up in 30/40/50 limits…areas you shouldn’t be speeding in anyway…

They get away with making detectors illegal to use as they ‘recieve transmissions’ which you are not authorised to recieve. GPS systems which warn of sites are legal as they do not recieve transmissions from the camera/gun.

At least that was how it was. I remember hearing that there was an arguement that as the laser or radar was not transmitting information, just noise, it wasn’t illegal to detect them, as there is no information in transmissions. Not sure if anything happened about this.

The old Road Angel was legal (GPS) and bike proof. Can’t vouch if they’re any good as I’ve never used them!

BTW has anyone heard about the Police speed trap and the RAF? Low flying fastjet picks up emissions from a speed trap, which obviously doesn’t have an IFF signature (Identity Friend or Foe?!?!), so the computer registers it as hostile, alerts the pilot and arms an anti-radiation missile. As it happens the a/c was flying un-armed! Apparantly it’s happened a couple of times around the valleys!


It is not illegal to recieve transmissions - it would be virtually impossible not to innocently recieve transmissions becasue of the harmonics etc. What is illegal is recieving transmitted information. The radar and laser don’t carry info.

i’d say keeping the needle on 30mph whilst cage dodging isn’t easy at all personally

only takes an overtake or a lane change and you’re in trouble. that’s how i got my last points…