Ok this guy may well be innocent but he looked very much like the guy who was the subject of a thread earlier this year that, I think, got deleted by admin, and which this thread refers to.He seemed quite interested in my bike and seemed to follow me for a bit before I turned into our private secure work car park (never have I been more grateful to have use of that!).
The Roof helmet was present and correct. I could describe exactly what he was wearing and what he was riding but consider this unwise in case this is the wrong guy. In case he is the one, though - and I am certain that he is - if your bike is parked in Westminster/the West End, make sure it’s locked to something, or keep an eye on it.
This happened at 9.50am this morning in Westminster. He was heading towards the West End.
If a picture and description was sent to members over the message system I can’t see a problem with that. Moderators and administrators have no control over what is sent and recieved through mail, so the site can’t get prosecuted. That’s the way I see it in my eyes anyway. Scum like this needs to be known by bike owners, before more of our bikes get stolen.