please what does (PM) (PMSL) mean

please what does (PM) (PMSL) mean, all i know is that someone is going to tell me and im going to feel stupid!!!

pm is private message, you can send someone one by clicking on the pm button at bottom left of post

others are abbrieviations

pmsl p**s myself laughing

ffs fer f**ks sake

imho in my humble opinion

and it goes on

Another one is

FRO: F@@K right off

Some msn ones for you

afk - away from keyboard
ttyl - talk 2 u later

You forgot to mention the important ones…




phew thanks alot mate i feel much better now.

I especially like this one

S’ok hun. How ya gonna learn if you don’t ask. No need to feel stupid!

I only found out the other day what LMAO means!! x

I like this one …

It is so true, lads next time you’re out drinking look at any group of girls and you’ll spot the DUFF.