pics of my bike

Here are some pictures of my bikes. TL1000S, GSXR600 Streetfighter (for sale) and my old FZR400RR (sadly no more)



Me and Pappaclart are the only TL owners here am i right?

Nice collection mate.

RB has a TL as well.

FZR is luvly. What happened to her?

Lovely set of bikes you got there mate! Love the TL and the FZR espcially. All looking pretty mint too!

It was trashed by a dumb ass driver.

Topcat will give you the gory details.

What happened to my lovely FZR???

Well, I was riding along on Holloway Rd “A1” doing about 25mph and it was raining badly. A lady driver had her car parked on the bus lane and all of a sudden she decided to do a U-Turn right in my path and I didn’t have any time to react except hit all my brakes. My front wheel locked and the next thing I knew was lying near her car with my leg stuck under. Sad but I was lucky not to break any bones.


I want all of them!

Love the TL, very tidy, Also like the 600 streetfighter, it looks very mean How much you asking?

I will probably be riding the GSXR600 to Ace/Soho tonight so you can have look, if you are interested? havn’t got my tires on yet.