I bought a used VFR today, just 2k miles on the clock - been looked after perfectly, hardly been used but had a lot of love given to it. Mwahhahhhaahaha.
As Avid Merrion (the guy with the neck brace off of Bo Selecta would say “I *eckin love” it.
Took it home, mainly by motorway, but encountered a wide variety of other scenarios on route home (will take it out in the countryside tomorrow for some twisties riding). I am still buzzing. What a machine!
For anyone who has never ridden a VFR 800, imagine a torque-y bike below 7k rpm, which when taken above 7k revs has someone kick you up the &rse to give it sporty performance. Oh, and chuck in excellent handling as well and you’re getting there.
I’ve tested a few bikes in my time. The VFR by far wins.
Lovin it!! Roll on tomorrow around Kent countryside!
Excellent fun arn’t they! I’ve got a 1990 VFR750 with 66500 miles on it and went for a little spin around Biggin Hill/Godstone area for fun today. Some 60 miles of just enjoying the bike and the smooth power. Not a VTec so no kick at higher revs, but still very good fun! You are going to enjoy the bike!
Welcome to the wonderful world of VFR ownership. Look after it and it’ll be a great bike. Sounds like you got a good one… mine was mint when i got it but had 18000 miles on it. Now it’s done 34000 miles ( less than a year later) and has been dropped a couple of times (not just by me…) and has spent so much time in the rain the exhaust is getting rusty But it still runs brilliantly.
Am going to put crash protectors on. Found some on eBay but they sound a bit crap since they are attached in place of the bolt for the side fairing - am thinking they would likely snap off in a crash.
R&G on the other hand have a set but cost 120 quid. They also involve drilling the fairing and require a torque wrench.
Just Fitted R&G Crash protectors to mine after 4 years of ownership and three crashes. I bought them a couple of years ago but the engine bar was totally seized so I couldn’t fit them. Having changed the engine a couple of weeks ago i took the opportunity to fit them at last.
VFR’s are tremendous machines, Mine has now done 95K. the engine was changed at 93.5K because of a gearbox problem, it was cheaper to fit a breakers yard engine than repair the original lump.
Am still getting used to the idle speed and slow riding. On my FZ6 before that, I’d u-turn or monouver with a bit of clutch, a bit of rear brake and a bite of throttle. This is much different on the VFR. It seems to want to stall when I do this. Will practice some more slow riding this weekend. Perhaps it is just I am not used to the bike yet, since it handles much differently than the FZ6.
Counter steering and swerving feel much heavier. It is a heavier bike though so suppose that is why? Not that I am complaining. I feel I have more presence, not convinced I have more monouverability yet but still early days.
It is thirstier than the FZ6, although I have been beasting the VFR above 7k rpm - the sound it makes arouses me I am chuffed to bits with the VFR. Roll on the weekend. Saturday will be nice, Sunday perhaps less so…
Take your time fitting the R&G bungs - not major worries, just don’t go too big with the drill too soon
With the vtec it’s important that the SVs (starter valve - similar to idle jets on a carb) are balanced correctly. Honda never do this as part of the servicing, don’t know why. Takes about 90 mins to do (air box has to come off - only 10 mins on the earlier FIs) and makes a world of difference to slow speed riding, smooth pulling away, etc. Seem to need doing every 2-4k miles when new, but I only check mine every 8k now (48k).