Pan's thread of puns

I think we never moved pasta the pasta theme

yeah i was taking a moment to remember the famous italian chef who died recently

he pasta way

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He made a fusilli mistakes in his life


Almost as famous as the famous lawyer known for his excellent physique. He called his diet tort and leany

I just finished reading a book about Oedipus and Midas.
It was mothfcuking gold

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New bike from Australia

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Is that the down under model?

I’m disappointed, that’s a visual gag. And she said, “Do you come from a pun down under? Where women glow and men punder? Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the punder? You better pun, you better take cover”


If anyone knows how to correct cosmetic surgery that’s gone wrong,
I’m all ears!

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Welcome to cosmetic surgery anonymous,
I see loads of new faces today!

I had both my feet removed and they could only get hold.of hands to replace so I feel you


You wish

well that’s another story.

That joke is deep

Bfubi. Escktc. Tinghes?
Bes. Fuckt. Bitching. Hes?

I bet this guy walks very confidently! He def has a spring in his step

I thought we did the whole suspension thing in the other thread… This looks more like a suspenders theme

Shocking that’s Pun’s thread of Pans has already wallowed out.