Paivi's comments in the chelsea bridge thread.

As shocking as it is I kind of agree with some of Paivi’s comments.

There have been some very bad accidents at Chelsea over the years one memorable one was where a bike went into the crowd and broke both legs of a woman bystander.

The biggest threat to motorcycling these days is illegal exhausts. The noise issue is what bothers most members of the public. You may like the noise from your race can but many non riders don’t.

At Cubana from what I’ve read a big problem is noise yet people are going there with race cans on there bikes. Well what do you expect the residents to do? of course they’re gonna complain you’re breaking the law and disturbing their peace

Race cans have almost cost us Frith and it looks like they may cost us Chelsea yet people still fit them. How long till they cost us Cubana?

The future is in your hands so choose wisely.

Race cans thats bollocks, its the gezzers pelting down the bridge on the limiter doing rolling burnouts that attract more attention than a race can how much did Paivi pay ya to agree whith that old shite

bikes make noise race cans or not and a full revs thay make even more,

its not the bikers that have ruined it its the twats that live in the flats because it was fine till they moved in…

As shocking as it is I kind of agree with some of Paivi’s comments.

(still hungover from last night ?)

There have been some very bad accidents at Chelsea over the years one memorable one was where a bike went into the crowd and broke both legs of a woman bystander.

(same as everywhere else there is a cretin on a bike, Ace Frith and Box Hill)

The biggest threat to motorcycling these days is illegal exhausts. The noise issue is what bothers most members of the public. You may like the noise from your race can but many non riders don’t.

(Bull !!..its not the Bike its the Rider)

At Cubana from what I’ve read a big problem is noise yet people are going there with race cans on there bikes. Well what do you expect the residents to do? of course they’re gonna complain you’re breaking the law and disturbing their peace

(so what do we do ?..control our riding or just whip a different Can out and fit it before every Wednesday Night and still show aggressive riding and no respect to the Residents and Traders?)

(Race cans have almost cost us Frith and it looks like they may cost us Chelsea yet people still fit them. How long till they cost us Cubana?

(More Bull !! Frith has more to do with burnouts that fill restaurants full of smoke, riders riding one ways the wrong way and abuse people are getting verbally while out with their wifes and girlfriends and not to mention the road blocking and jumping all over cars as they pass)

The future is in your hands so choose wisely.

(if it was in yours we,d be right up sheet creek wouldnt we with statements like the above !!)

if it was in yours we,d be right up sheet creek without a race can

i agree with flat u want us all to get the bus there then its the rider not the bike .

if the future was in Si’s hands we would all be riding gay disco bikes…


bring on the vespa riders

I’ve got to agree with Flat here … its all to do with showing a little respect where necessary!

GINGER !! Stop swearing !!!

Agreed with Flats and Barro its not race cans that are the problem but inappropriate timing of bad behaviour. And by the way my Racefit sounds glorious.

To right! Its disrespect and lack of communication on both sides.

PLEASE stop swearing !!!

Quote: bring on the vespa riders

Thats what the “swearing” statement was about…not the “quote removed”…ha ha…


OK I’m going to fall out with everyone I guess as I can see both sides and I think your ALL wrong , and here’s why…


Is a symptom and not a cause… I had a race can on the GSXR and I had it because “I” liked the way it sounded… It didn’t make me ride like a tw@ but it did give the police a 100% valid reason for pulling me over…

So my point there is pretty much like the whole Chelsea bridge thing… I chose to bend the law so how the hell can I complain when I get pulled for noise restrictions…

laceName w:st=“on”>ChelsealaceName> laceName w:st=“on”>BridgelaceName> is a public high road whether or not we’ve been meeting there for 10 years is neither here nor there, the bridge has been a public highway for 100 of those. For example : the house over the road from me has been empty for 10 years ( this is Newham of course ) , and I cant complain about the someone living there when they move in because “it’s been that way for 10 years”…

Chelsea bridge could and should be so different and here is why…

They can choose to enforce the terrorism act and disperse or shutdown a meeting of more than 6 people… They don’t they choose to live and let live. So from a “bikers” point of view they help us but they then fail the residence who ultimately in their council tax for that area pay their budget. If someone was dealing drugs on your corner you’d want them to take action and not take the softly softly approach.

They bought a house, and moved in… There issue should be with the developers or my god the solicitors who didn’t advise their clients that this happened. I mean this is not exactly a flash mob here it has been going for 10 years as has been pointed out. So I don’t blame the residence I blame the solicitors of the buyers for not doing their due diligence properly. So Residence go sue or next time pay more than £99.99 for a bloody survey on your ½ million pound house you tight ar$e.

We CHOOSE to turn up…
We CHOOSE to stunt ( those that do )
We CHOOSE not to self regulate the event…

The situation that laceName w:st=“on”>ChelsealaceName> laceName w:st=“on”>BridgelaceName> finds itself in falls squarely and 100% on US BIKERS and no one else… The excuses of “It’s how it’s always been” is crap (IMHO)… We used to have slaves “because it’s the way ti was” , we used to have segregation “because that’s who it was” … This ISN’T how it is. We did this, no one else…

Look at why we go… If we go to talk crap, look at bikes etc etc, then I have ZERO problem with the police being there and nicking anyone breaking the law for dangerous driving on the road. Don’t just knick them confiscate the bike. After all WE moan about car drivers on mobile phone, Van drivers with flags and all that bo11ox and yet we seem to try and defend the indefensible of reckless riding on a public highway… laceName w:st=“on”>ChelsealaceName> laceName w:st=“on”>BridgelaceName> is coming to an end and its no ones fault except our own.

If I opened up my back garden to a few friends there is no issue, if my friends continually got out of hand kept the neighbours awake and caused a nuisance I’d expect to be told that my BBQ’s were out of order and I’d have an ASBO against me stopping them for the sake of the greater good , and that’s all that I personally think that’s going on here.

We did this !

I can’t find what Paivi did or didn’t say and before I add anything to the views expressed here, I would like to know, has it been removed, if not can someone hyperlink it on here, so I can give a fair opinion on what has been said.

Paivi’s words

Just about bloody time the police did do something to stop this stupidity on the Chelsea Bridge!

Times have changed and it’s time you moved with them. We’re talking about a residential central London street and a busy bridge over the Thames, with no parking facilities for large crowds. With ped bois on their incredibly annoying sounding souped up peds and big bikes with their noisy exhausts parking on the pavements and roadside, causing congestion, speeding up and down the road & the bridge, wheelying and doing burnouts. All in very busy Central London traffic. And you think this should be allowed to continue unchallenged?

Several times there have already been small accidents when some idiot loses control in the middle of a wheelie, but so far, larger ones have been avoided where a biker careers into oncoming traffic or a bicycle. The police cannot be allowed to wait for this to happen before acting.

“Oh, but we were there first!” Get a grip, guys! You’ve brought it on yourselves.

I am not a moderator or a mediator. I can see why her words have got every one incensed. Paivi will bring an edge to any discussion and has never been one ot mince her words.

To Balance things out, we were there first, the Tea Hut has been a meeting place for Bikers since before the dead sea even got ill and there have allways been high shinanigins from Bikers there having a laugh.

That said, what some people are doing there is illegal and likely to attract unwanted attention.

The people who bought those flats could not have done so unless they got a search done and the solicitors who failed to point out that there was a historical bike meet there, are in my view culpable. I bet there a lot of solictors and professional negligence insurers who are very, very nervous right now.

The continuance of the behaviour of the few will result in increased policing at the bridge until the meet gets killed.

Finally I don’t think we killed this meet, I think progress has. That said on a positive note, I have been doing a lot of research into Bike ASBO’s and may have found a loop hole, I wont say too much here as its early days.

in the cooler anyone…