Out of here...

iF yOu nEvER wAntEd pM SeX yOU shOUlD hAve noT hAvE pM mE. iT wAs nOt mY FAulT yOU cAmE bEfoRE mE. To bE hONeST yOUr tyPIng wAS nOT tHat hOt. No wONdER yOUr fvCkINg wIfE lEfT yOu. Go BaCk oN tHe www.cOmEiN2sEcondS.CoM fOrUm sEe iF i Care :crazy::smiley:

The plot thickens… ?

It doesn’t surprise me that she’d be involved!


You sure thats a SHE?..did the plastic surgeon take drugs when he worked on you that day?..see, thats why im growing old grace, or is that dis grace fully ???
Anyway, i would LOVE to understand what the … this is all about…and more to the point WHY im answering it?..to be honest, im not, im answering the “knew she’d be involved bit”…and wondered who the SHE was?..:slight_smile:

…and breath:cool:

Its the essex in me…we dont DO breathing !!! (oh, err, yeh we DO…or we die…but we dont do NORMAL breathing then!!)…:D:P:D:P and i know you meant “breathe” not “breath”…see im not THAT essex !!!

Ohhh, that 1eater is a Cheeky Monkey :laugh:

Bet you been pm’ing her ;):slight_smile:

Whats it like to be pimmed ???

that was a quick hello goodbye!:smiley: