Orange or Blue

hey guys,

Im between two hornets that i like, and trying to decide on colour (dont worry about the other specs)

what do you think?

Orange = different, bold, (but orange? :blink: )
Blue= boring, sensible, nice simple colour (also Pawel likes blue :stuck_out_tongue: )




My old 98 Hornet is blue - but I reckon blue is too conservative a colour for this nutty, brilliant bike - the Hornet is an extrovert - so go for a bright extrovert colour - ORANGE! ;):smiley:

Go for Orange as it`s different, my mate had one and it does look nice in orange.

Franko’s Z750 is orange and I must say … it’s the prettiest paint I’ve ever seen on a car or bike … but that is because it is mixed with glitter and when the sun shines on it - you have a disco ball effect :smiley:

As far as the hornet goes - I see quite a few orange ones on my daily travels - and always think it looks a bit too close to diorehha brown for my liking … but they might just have a layer of grime on them which makes them look darker/dirtier (literally :w00t: )

My gut instinct would be go for the blue … but it’s whatever sets your heart racing on first impressions more than anything isn’t it … when you’re sat on it you can hardly tell what colour it is

:sick: nice! lol

Blue is classier. Especially the matt Blue 04, like mine.

Go for the blue, IMHO the orange / dull gold is 'orrible!! By the way, there’s a buying guide to Hornets in May issue of Fast Bikes mag. :slight_smile:


only the 04 comes in white… (no usd, dont like the dash as much)

but was thinking i could respray it… :ermm:

BLUE!!! All my bikes bar one have been BLUE!!:smiley:

Blue:D though mines going to be black or white…or both…mooo:Whistling:


Black with sparkly bits like mine :smiley:

or blue’s nice too.

A proper orange would be cool, but not that sh!te orange there!! So go with blue.

colours not the problem here, its the bike, lol.

Get a suzuki!

+1 :stuck_out_tongue: