Opps another idiot strikes



Love the fact that his safety concern is if to trim screws

Oh dear lord!

This has to be a wind up!, if not, someone take his licence from him immediately…

thats gotta be a wind up…

East Anglian biker invents more pleasurable lobotomy

If this is not a wind-up, don’t worry about taking his licence. Just have him sterilized.

Natural de-selection

What’s the problem?

Sounds like someone with his head screwed on to me…


Really I thought it was someone with a screw loose

That’s a Shoei too!

It’s a Shoe-in he’ll end up with a brain injury…

Going by that post, he probably already has one!!

He does sound like Arai tool…

Is this an “asking for a friend” type of thread? :smiley: