Online Safety Act

How are things looking here in regards to the Online Safety Act?

Looks like some other niche forums have decided its too onerous The UK's Online Safety Act applies to Small Tech too • The Register. I preferred the internet when it had more niche forums rather than defaulting to Zuckerberg crap. Not sure how it’s looking on the tin bashing forum I’m on.


Good job this site is for bikers in London, Ontario eh?

Saw these links posted on another site I frequent: Online Safety Act Notes for Small Sites — Russ Garrett

Oh christ that’s a small world. I used to work with Jonty of EMF Camp fame and played against both of them in the Shoreditch foosball days.

In all honesty, this is the first I’ve heard of it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’ll have to review it and see where we stand. Obviously this is not great to find out so late, and even more disturbing to hear some forum operators have thrown in the towel.

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I’ve kept an eye on it as part of the initial scope was the desire to backdoor encryption. Which is obviously stupid. But then again the majority of politicians do fall into that category.

I would guess that niche forums are going to be low on the potential target list. But it is yet another thing to add to the list of things when it comes to running anything with user interaction.

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Yes, it’s sad to read some very well known, long running, forums such as London Fixed Gear and Single Speed cycling forum are shutting down rather than facing the albeit small risk of potential £18m damages.