ok getting there, new pads are on but

but, now the pads are touching the piston seems to be moving fine, how do i seperate the pads so they will fit over the disc… and will they come away when I release the break.

just in case you all think i’m stupid I have done this before but last time I had a haynes manual to refference on, this time I don’t so all help is much appreicated.

Take the pads out and push the pistons into the caliper with you thumbs.

as per gurningman - and dont press the brake lever when the caliper’s off the brake disc…

oh good god no!! took me fing ages even with a cramp to get this done…

and careful not to wedge the brake pad on top of the little plates that sit under the brake pads - the operation should all very very smooth and if its not youve done something wrong or got the pad caught somehow… spin the wheel after youve put the calipers back on to make sure it runs freely - if it doesnt, somethings out of alignment…

takes me back to snett this year ;):w00t::cool::hehe::P:D

If you can’t fit the caliper with pads back onto the disk due to pads being too close together, do as follows:

Open the brake fluid reservoir; Wrap it around with a foil or a clean rug in case brake fluid overflows. Place a longi(ish) piece of wood between the pads and push them apart as far as possible. If you cannot place anything between the new pads, remove them and put the old pads back; this is a better solution anyway as your new pads won’t be damaged, and you can use a long screwdriver rahter than a piece of soft material. Only resort to pushing the piston(s) alone of you are really desperate, and don’t damage them. Most probably you have a sliding caliper so only one piston to push. Get a plumber’s wrench, tape its working area with a thick layer of elecrtical insulation tape or similar stuff, and press SLOWLY.

While pushing watch the brake fluid level in the reservoir as it will rise and may overflow.

Finally, when the piston(s) is(are) sufficiently in, don’t operate the brake lever unless you know what you do.

After everything is in place, pump the lever until the pads are firmly agains tthe disk, and then check that the disk runs true.

If I couldn’t push the pistons in with my thumbs, I’d be wanting to strip the calipers and sort them.

piston is fine nothing wrong defo no seizing thats for sure, but I was so short for time this morning, I just had to up and leave as it was, I thought about that this morning (pushing in the piston) but I just did not have the time to take it all apart again.

PM sent

I’ve searched my usual sources but not been able to find you a manual to download for your GPz but this may be of help to you mate.Good luckhttp://motorbikemanuals.blogspot.com/2008/07/kawasaki-gpz500-parts-diagram.html

fraid its calipers off, empty your system and clean those pots up good and proper, if you can’t push them in with direct pressure, then they probably aren’t stopping you well enough… check your seals when you strip them too… I found brake fluid on the disc the other day, seal had rolled away from the piston and was just starting to tear… caught it in time, but that would have cr@pped me up… 70… brake … BRAKE … still 70… oh god


lol thanks for that, the piston is fine, no leakage, it is just moving one of the pads back a little so I can slip it over the disc…

I’ll will have it done tonight i have had to use pubic transport now for 2 days in a row and i’m not happy the last time it was 2 or more days in a row was over 3 years ago before I started riding.

where you based dude? could come and give you a hand early in the morning or something?

dont - i was seeing small birds dancing around my head - worst weekend of my life, that!

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

no seriously! they were little blue ones like in the cartoons! you were my saviour! else I think Id have blown an gasket or killed someone or something lol

STILL have genny probs lol… note to self - dont send trainee mechanic to go and buy replacement pullchord… second note to self - make sure you check you have a genny before you go to snet, so you dont go out on cold tyres…

lol seek revenge. ask said trainee to go fetch a sky hook from halfords ;):stuck_out_tongue:

Or a large pot of elbow grease.

The Sleeper (27/08/2008)

did ya sort it? :slight_smile: