no helmet bike

i saw a guy today riding one of those bmw scooters with a roof
he wasnt wearing a helmet so i asked him ,waiting for a green light
‘dont u need one of those’’ pointing out to mine
he said - i dont i have this he said pointing to his roof

that left me wondering
is it really legal i was always undrer impresion those roofs are just to shed rain away

As far as I’m aware, their isn’t any specific exemption from wearing the helmet just because of the roof etc… :ermm:

As far as the vehicle is concerned, it has two wheels and is therefore classed as a motorbike! He should be wearing a helmet, and will no doubt get pulled by the police at some point! :wink:

RR is correct, two wheels needs a helmet. The C1 is a scooter and does require the rider to wear a helmet. He is going to feel such a plonker when he gets pulled.

You’d think he would be wearing a helmet with a dark visor riding one of those C1’s, so nobody knew who he was:)

Yes you have to wear a helmet even if the bike has a roof.

even if it was not the law to have it on i would still wear one any way even on trike’s etc.:wink:

thats what i thought

i guess he’s gonna try one of those line

" ím from italy i didnt know officer "

( he did have italian accent)

wots the deal with the bikes with no number plates as-well??? seen a fair few with no plates about…:blink:

Don’t want to sound like a bike Nazi…but you really couldn’t pay me enough money to ride one of those! Horrible things.

A roof on a bike…why not just add some doors, a couple of extra wheels too.

I heard them C1 things didnt catch on because you legally need a helmet. I think they didnt catch on because they’re sh1te :stuck_out_tongue:

My car doesn’t have a roof…but I still have to wear a seatbelt…:slight_smile:

ISTR some bloke who owned one, taking this though the courts & being told he had to wear one.

His argument was based on that the fact that because the bike had a safety harness (multi point seat belt) & was designed such that when wearing this harness his head couldn’t come into contact with anything - the roof forms part of a safety cage, hence there was no need for a helmet to provide impact protection.

Actually UK is the only country in EEC that require you to wear a helmet on a C1.

I’ve seen a crash with one of the C1 whatsits, and despite the seat belt the first thing that happend was the riders head smashed the windscreen. Helmets are a yes by law and a yes by common sense

He then tried to get out whilst still wearing his seat belt which was hilarious but that’s another matter.

Could you point out where you learnt this?

It would save having to do a Google search :wink:

Like PJ said the embarrassment alone at being seen in one should put most sane people off. Insane people do all sorts of risky things.

common knowledge that the EEC Transport commission qualified the C1 as a 2 wheels car but UK department of transport overwrote the decision; but so UK department of transport can only legislate on is happening in UK :stuck_out_tongue:

You have to be a helmet to even consider riding one of those things !
