Newb from America

Hello all, just joined up. I someday hope to tackle the Isle of man TT. Thought a goodplace to start would be with learning more about the culture there across the pond. I ride a Hayabusa which is in a state of repair as we speak cause I fuggered up, and I race a Kawi 636 in a club series in California. So far looks a whole lot like it is here in america, I see a lot of passion. We have many Brits over here doing trackdays and being general hooligans about the area on their bikes, I love em! Look forwarsd to learning about your trackdays and how a Yank might get a ride on Brands Hatch if he flew over without a BIKE! :smiley: Peace you all, Tex

Welcome to Lb septic :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome aboard.

hi and welcome

welcome to Lb mate :smiley:

hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard, Texwasabi. Can’t answer your question about Brands Hatch I’m afraid, but I’m sure some on here can. I was there last Summer but as a spectator, watching a friend race his Ducati.

Welcome to LB fella :slight_smile:

Most trackday organisers offer a bike-hire service, so you don’t need a bike, just the leathers and gear, which most of the time you could probably borrow off someone else if you made some good friends.

Post up some photos, I personally love CA after a trip to LA a year ago. I got to hire a couple of bikes from SportsBikeRental in Santa Monica and hit some canyons in Malibu… amazing stuff, can’t wait to go back!

Good luck with the TT!

Thanks for the warm welcome, pretty damn cool, we are miles apart but so very close, the ideals, aspirations of free men doing their thing, frickin awesome! I put up some pics in the photo section, the 3 street bikes I have owned since returning to motorcycles. I dont count the 80’s CX Honda V I had back in the day. Actually, she was a good ol girl, never mind. :cool: