just wanted to find out your advice… Basically put in my insurance claim last week, but since then i had to complete a 20 min phone interview, where they asked me all my details about my bike being stolen, they now have said i have to have another one of these phone interviews… which can last up to 30-40 mins…
Is this normal claim policy or am i getting strung along as they doubt me or something…?
Thanks for your reply on my thread, it’s getting pretty lenghty over there…
I’ve no experience with this kind of thing, never had anything liek that stolen - I’d say at a guess most of the 2nd interview iwll be to make sure you get your facts right, and it stilll ads up with what you said the first time round - so just doe your Is and cross your Ts and make sure you tell them everything…
As long as you werent’ BS’ing them about anyting - where it was kept, overnight location etc, you’ll be fine - and remember when you say garaged - that means you usually keep it garaged, and likewise with where it’s kept… i wouldn’t worry.
In a case like this, they’re gonna try and wriggle out of paying, there’s no 3rd party for them to blame!
I’m not sure, but waht happens if it’s stolen, they pay out and then the cops recover it for you, or some such ?
It sounds like they are possibly trying to see if there are any inconsistencies in your story, some insurers use software to detect stress levels on phone calls so they may just be using that to see if further investigation is warranted. I woould say not to worry and see what happens. Any probs PM me.
I had to do a phone interview when mine was stolen. Only one though… the second time I spoke to them there was a valuer on the end of the phone with a copy of glasses(sp) price guide asking me what condition my bike was in… Excellent of course, as good as new… and about any modifications that I might not have mentioned when I insured it… absolutely not honestly… then he told me how much they would pay and to expect a cheque within 5 days. It arrived in 6 but it wasn’t bad service.
That was with H&R insurance, who won’t touch me at all now.