My Interview was a success!!!

Hi all,

I got through the first rouund at Goldman Sachs!!! I have another interview this fri (which means i will prob be at the ace after weather permitting) and if i do well on that i have my internship sorted…


Sorry a little happy with that result

Well done!

(mines a pint)

Nice one dude!

(JD&Coke for me)

Nice one mate best of luck on the interview on friday see you at the Ace.

lets hope some … dont come in there car this fri!

Congrats buddy!! Good luck to ya…notice how a lot of these investment houses (USB,GOLDMAN etc ) been pretty quite about “Google”…cuz they were way off on their analysis

Nice one Anil.

Well done, many congrats

Well done, Anil! I’ve got bird flu so won’t be coming to the Ace on Friday, so I’ll have my hot choc next time we catch up.

Congrats fella and good luck on the second interview!

Well done! Good luck there mate!

Congrats Anil, GS are only going up, very nice quarterly results…

Great work…good luck on the follow up interview. I hope you are able to close the deal!