Migraine help?

Cheers guys… an early night with lots of darkness has helped massively… its still there, threatening to come back, but i have taken paracetamol (wish i could take something stronger)

I think its bright light that triggers mine, so have had sunglasses on all day - thanks wildwoodflower, good explanation :slight_smile:

i think you are all missing the point here, the 1st thing she has to do is tell Lewis to fooook off out to play and leave her alone. :slight_smile:

I always found a very cool almost cold dark room and hiding under a blanket did the trick. Otherwise Imigran, which is a very effective medication. Thankfully I rarely get migraines any more, was getting two or three a week through puberty, and haven’t had one in years.

You mentioned it hurting when you move, it sounds like it might be a sinus headache. I get them occasionally, but they hang around for several days in the way you’re describing, getting better and then worse again.

Sit in the bathroom with the shower running as hot as it will go for 20 minutes, the steam will clear your sinuses out.

One of my colleagues saw these guys:


and they helped her manage her migraine problems

turn yr computer off and yr telly off

Good good. I was reading this post thinking:
have you had your BP checked?
when was your urine last checked?
do you have ankle swelling?
do you have abdominal pain?
But if you were seen today, I can relax! lol